OBEDIENCE RACKET: Unless Israelis agree to a third “booster” shot for covid, their “green passes” will soon expire

(Planet Today) Just as many predicted, government authorities are moving the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) goal posts again by declaring that a person is only “fully vaccinated” if he or she agrees to get a third “booster” shot once they become available.

In Israel, the most highly vaccinated country in the world, officials have decided that all residents 12 years of age and older must get injected with a third Fauci Flu shot in order to maintain their “green pass” privileges. Those who refuse will be relegated back to “unvaccinated” status.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from NaturalNews.com)

Just a few weeks ago, Israel’s booster shot program was limited just to people 60 years of age and older. It was then dropped to 30 years of age and older. Now, children 12 years of age and older are being told that in order to live their lives, they must get injected a third time.

“The third complementary vaccine works,” decreed Prime Minister Naftali Bennett in an announcement. “Two million Israelis have already been vaccinated [with a third dose].”

According to Bennett, it is a “privilege that no other country has” for Israelis to have a third Wuhan Flu shot forced upon them as a condition of participation in society. All those countries out there that are not mandating the jab are less privileged, he contends.

The third shot being offered to Israelis is the Pfizer-BioNTech one, which contains mystery mRNA chemicals that permanently alter DNA.

Israel already planning for fourth, fifth booster shots later down the road

Israeli officials say that each booster shot carries with it a six-month expiration date. This means that every six months, Israelis will be expected to roll up their sleeves for another injection – for the rest of time.

Beginning on October 1, the “green pass” will be required for Israelis to enter some gatherings and public places. After six months, it will be deactivated until the passholder gets jabbed again, then the timer starts for another six months.

This is fantastic news for Pfizer-BioNTech, which will now have a steady stream of profits in perpetuity. It is bad news, though, for the Israeli people, who will quickly be “de-personed” if they refuse to follow the protocol.

“Essentially, Israel is judging people who haven’t received a booster shot within six months after being fully inoculated to no longer be vaccinated,” reported RT.

Israelis who travel outside the country will also be forced to quarantine for a week upon arrival back into Israel unless they show proof of an up-to-date booster shot. Those who agree to take the booster shot will only have to self-isolate for 24 hours or take a test to prove that they are “negative.”

Bennett remains one of the strongest proponents of forever booster shots in Israel, maintaining that anyone who does not get them remains in “mortal danger” of catching the Fauci Flu at any moment.

After falsely claiming that its injection is “95 percent effective” against Chinese Germs, Pfizer-BioNTech is now having to admit that its jab is only about 39 percent effective.

As it turns out, natural immunity is far better than artificial vaccine-induced “immunity.” This is corroborated in a new study, also out of Israel, showing that people who take Fauci Flu shots are orders of magnitude more likely to test “positive” and get sick than people whose immune systems remain intact the way God intended them to be.

“Yeah, the first two doses didn’t work but this third dose will for sure, honest,” joked one RT commenter about the lunacy of never-ending booster shots for the Chinese Disease.

To keep up with the latest news about Chinese Virus injection tyranny, be sure to visit Fascism.news.

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