Fauci’s upcoming book removed from online shops amid criticism he profits from the pandemic

(Planet Today) Listings of Dr. Anthony Fauci’s upcoming book were removed from leading online marketplaces and bookstores amid criticism that he profits from the COVID-19 pandemic.

Titled “Expect the Unexpected: Ten Lessons on Truth, Service and the Way Forward,” the book was advertised on Amazon but the listing had apparently been deleted. A link to the listing redirected to a webpage that displayed, “Sorry! We couldn’t find that page.” The book was also advertised on Barnes & Noble’s website but was no longer available on Wednesday, June 2.

(Article by Nolan Barton republished from NaturalNews.com)

It is still available for pre-order on some lesser-known vendors, such as Booktopia. The listing showed that it is scheduled for release this November.

The scrubbing of Fauci’s book came after critics slammed him for profiting from the pandemic. Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), has been a coronavirus advisor to the White House since the pandemic started.

Fox News contributor Joe Concha compared him to New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo, who signed a seven-figure book deal about his efforts during the pandemic.

“If you look at the numbers again, you had Cuomo profiting off a pandemic, a government official,” said Concha, who is also a media reporter for The Hill. “Now we have Fauci doing it as well. I think this is appalling.”

The Daily Caller writer Greg Price criticized Fauci for publishing a book and being the highest-paid federal employee. At the same time, ordinary Americans lost their businesses and had their kids out of school for a year. Multiple media reports showed that Fauci earns $434,312 for his government post alone, higher than the president’s annual salary of $400,000.

Former White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows opined that Fauci likely got paid for his book more than Cuomo. “He’ll get paid unbelievable amounts of money to tell all from his perspective,” Meadows told Just the News AM.

Cached versions of the deleted listings described the book as offering “inspiration in [Fauci’s] unique perspective on leadership, expecting the unexpected and finding joy in difficult times.”

“With more than three decades spent combating some of the most dangerous diseases to strike humankind – AIDS, Ebola, COVID-19 – Dr. Fauci has worked in daunting professional conditions and shouldered great responsibility,” the listing went on. “The earnest reflections in these pages offer a universal message on how to lead in times of crisis and find resilience in the face of disappointments and obstacles.”

It also said that the book will offer readers “inspiring words of wisdom … centered around life lessons compiled from hours of interviews, offering a concrete path to a bright and hopeful future.”

Fauci accused of profiting from Moderna’s coronavirus vaccine

In April last year, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. alleged that Fauci stood to make a hefty profit from one of the COVID-19 vaccines being developed in the U.S. at the time.

He told The Gateway Pundit that Fauci owned a number of vaccine patents, including one that was being trialed to combat the Wuhan coronavirus. He said it was a specific type of vaccine that packages a virus in a protein sheet.

In a separate interview, he claimed that Fauci invested $500 million of taxpayers’ money in the Moderna COVID-19 vaccine. “He owns half the patent,” Kennedy said. “He and these five guys who are working for him were entitled to collect royalties from that.” (Related: Fauci and Gates have ties to Moderna despite “fact check” headline claiming otherwise.)

Reports also showed that the National Institutes of Health (NIH), which houses the NIAID, is a joint owner of an intellectual property that is key to producing the Moderna vaccine. This was backed by NIH Director Francis Collins, who said in May last year that the NIH has a stake in the intellectual property used in the Moderna vaccine.

For more stories about Anthony Fauci and how he has been taking advantage of the pandemic, visit Corruption.news.

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