Revisionist historians “cancel” Dr. Robert Malone, creator of mRNA technology in latest memory hole PURGE of truth

(Planet Today) The man behind mRNA (messenger RNA) “vaccine” technology is being scrubbed from the digital history books for daring to publicly speak out about its dangers.

Dr. Robert Malone appeared on a recent episode of the DarkHorse podcast to explain that experimental Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) gene therapy – this is what the jabs are, by the way – come with serious risks that are not being acknowledged, let alone taken seriously, by the government.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Instead of being transparent about the fact that Chinese Virus injections are neither safe nor effective, and are more of a security blanket for people who buy into all the mainstream media propaganda, government authorities are pretending as though Fauci Ouchi shots are a magical “cure” for the plandemic, which is leading many people astray.

Especially in children, the risks of Wuhan Flu shots far outweigh any purported benefits. Malone agrees, and since he is an actual authority on the matter, he is now being silenced by YouTube and other Big Tech platforms for telling too much truth.

As recently as June 14, 2021, Malone’s contributions to the development of mRNA were included in the historical section on the Wikipedia entry for “RNA vaccines.” As of June 16, however, Malone’s name has been removed, as have all his accomplishments as a researcher at the Salk Institute, the University of California, and the University of Wisconsin.

“To censor a scientific discussion with the actual inventor of the technology used to manufacture these COVID-19 shots is beyond shocking,” writes Dr. Joseph Mercola. “But the censorship of Malone goes even further than that.”

According to Wikipedia, Dr. Malone no longer even exists

One of Malone’s discoveries that Wikipedia would rather nobody know about took place in 1990. At that time, Malone demonstrated that “in-vitro transcribed mRNA could deliver genetic information into the cell to produce proteins within living cell tissue.”

But wait: The government has been saying for the past year that mRNA technology is completely safe and does not turn a person’s cells into spike protein factories. It turns out that the government is lying, hence why Wikipedia is trying to erase Malone and his experiment from existence.

This “memory-holing” of truth runs deep throughout the gamut of Big Tech, with Wikipedia perhaps being the worst offender since many people look to it as an encyclopedia, of sorts. Little do they know that Wikipedia is an information gatekeeper that spreads propaganda as “fact” while actively censoring all truth.

“In short, [Malone’s] scientific knowledge of mRNA vaccines is unquestionable,” Mercola says.

Wikipedia and the mainstream media are now falsely claiming that a Hungarian biochemist by the name of Katalin Kariko is the “inventor” of mRNA vaccines. This is just too convenient, seeing as how Kariko is the current senior vice president at BioNTech, the German pharmaceutical company that created an mRNA vaccine for the Chinese Virus in collaboration with Pfizer.

“As noted in the featured video, this goes beyond censoring,” warns Mercola. “It’s revisionism – a ‘1984’-style rewriting of history to fit the official narrative of the day. The danger of this trend is incalculable.”

Malone recently appeared on Fox News, explaining to host Tucker Carlson that nobody should ever be forced to take an mRNA injection, not the least of which is because they are experimental.

“I am of the opinion that people have the right to decide whether to accept vaccines or not, especially since these are experimental vaccines,” Malone stated.

“My concern is I know there are risks but we don’t have access to the data … We don’t really have the information we need to make a reasonable decision.”

More related news about Big Tech’s relentless attempts at “deleting” from existence everyone who defies the plandemic narrative can be found at

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