Researchers find 1,000 different proteins in AstraZeneca’s covid vaccine linked to deadly blood clots

(Planet Today) A German scientist has discovered why the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines” made by AstraZeneca and Johnson & Johnson (J&J) are causing some recipients to develop deadly blood clots.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

According to Prof. Andreas Greinacher, a blood expert from the University of Greifswald, the two viral vector vaccines contain genetically modified (GMO) cold viruses that, upon injection, trigger an autoimmune response.

Stray proteins, Greinacher says, along with a preservative used specifically in the AstraZeneca jab known as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid (EDTA), are directly responsible for causing the blood clots, he says.

Greinacher and his team identified more than 1,000 human-derived cell proteins in the injections that they believe are getting into people’s bloodstreams and clamping onto a blood component known as platelet factor 4, or PF4, where they form complexes that activate the production of antibodies.

This then generates an inflammatory response throughout the body, as the immune system is tricked into believing that it has been infected with bacteria. The immune system then overreacts and goes nuts, essentially, causing deadly bleeding and clotting.

Greinacher compares the way the injections trigger this otherwise dormant immune response to “awakening a sleeping dragon.” And all for a virus with a 99.9-plus percent survival rate.

Covid vaccines kill, but the establishment still wants you injected

Prof. John Kelton from McMaster University in Canada says he and his team have replicated and confirmed Greinacher’s findings, though they are unsure if his causal theory is accurate.

Greinacher, meanwhile, is hoping the two respective vaccine makers will cooperate in nailing down whether or not his causal theory is correct.

“We strongly support raising awareness of the signs and symptoms of this very rare event, and we are currently exploring a potential collaboration with Dr. Greinacher,” a J&J spokesperson is quoted as saying.

Numerous other peer-reviewed studies have likewise confirmed Greinacher’s findings, reiterating that the type of blood clotting being observed from J&J and AstraZeneca injections is known as vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia, or VITT.

Most of the science hubs investigating the clotting issue, which was first identified back in March, focus on a similar condition known as heparin-induced thrombocytopenia, or HIT, which has near-identical symptoms and outcomes to VITT.

“With HIT,” The Wall Street Journal reported, “the blood-thinning drug heparin causes clots paired with an abnormal decrease in the blood’s natural clotting agents.”

Other scientists have speculated that the vaccine adenoviruses themselves may be directly triggering the blood clotting, while still others are blaming the “genetic predispositions” of recipients so as to shift the blame away from Big Pharma.

Prof. Eric van Gorp from Erasmus University in the Netherlands also says that the flu-like symptoms many recipients of the vaccines experience post-injection could also be the result of autoimmune-provoking inflammation.

The reason why none of this has ever been reported in the past is because viral vector vaccine technology has never before been administered at scale. In other words, these shots, just like their mRNA counterparts, are entirely experimental.

The only viral vector vaccine that even comes close is the Ebola injection developed by J&J, which was only given to about 60,000 people as of last July.

Meanwhile, the Journal and other mainstream media outlets are continuing to push the narrative that deadly blood clots are “rare,” and that people should still rush out and get injected as soon as possible to “save lives.”

“The symptoms are exactly the same as preclinical scurvy,” a commenter of ours wrote. “Vitamin C is essential to combat this.”

To keep up with the latest news about injuries and deaths caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) injections, be sure to check out

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