Patom Crater: The Most Mysterious Place on the Planet

Scientists argue about the origin of the Patom Crater, using geological and astronomical models as arguments. But maybe that’s not where they’re looking? The shape of the crater is too unusual. Besides, there’s something underneath it!

How it all began

Since 2005, on the initiative of the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” with the support of Channel One and the Siberian Branch (SB) of RAS began the second phase of the study of the mysterious Patom crater in the north of the Irkutsk region, discovered back in 1949. The studies began in 1963 by a complex expedition of Tomsk and Novokuznetsk scientists. They found an abnormally high magnesium content in soil samples taken around the crater. How can this be explained?

Probably it was caused by strongly magnetic plates curved with a silvery sheen, very reminiscent of the artificial formations also found in these samples. But what if they are tiny fragments of a flying saucer shell made of a magnesium-based alloy? Such alloys are known to be particularly strong.

Basic hypotheses

The two main hypotheses of the crater formation are volcanic and meteoritic. The first one points to its shape, very similar to a volcanic cone with steep slopes, truncated top and a depression in it. But at the bottom of the crater is a rounded slide. Volcanic lava and ash were not found. The second hypothesis: the crater is a circular structure, the individual zones of which were formed at different times, three times the impact of the Earth’s energy on the rocks – first the early and late circular ramparts were formed, then the circular ditch and the central slide.

The meteorite hypothesis uses the results of dendrochronological analysis (dendrochronology is a method of dating archaeological finds based on the study of annual rings of wood – editor’s note), geophysical research and experimental modeling. In shape and size Patom crater is not like the lunar meteorite craters – they have a wide flat bottom and a small circular shaft. Earth craters are usually very large, from hundreds of meters to hundreds of kilometers in diameter.

Dendrochronological analysis, conducted by Doctor of Biology V. Voronin, head of the laboratory of the Siberian Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry of Plants, gives reason to believe that the cause of the crater may have been the fall of an artificial object. Trees growing on the fallen place had their trunks broken and their root systems damaged. From their cuts it was established that the crater was formed more than 250 years ago. Elemental analysis of annual rings of one of the trees showed that since 1842 they greatly increased the content of radioactive elements. And 40 years later, radiation levels had fallen. Voronin notes: “As the temperature of the ground rose, the roots of the trees could absorb more radioactive material. In 1842, something warmed the soil, and more of these elements went into the plants. Then the underground furnace cooled, and the permafrost rose to the roots again.” But what was this “underground furnace”?

Magnetometry allowed professor of the Irkutsk Technical University, Doctor of Geological and Mineralogical Sciences A. Dmitriev to say:

– There is something under the crater. Something with an abnormally high content of iron or other ferromagnetics for these places. This something lies at a depth of 100-150 meters, and changes the magnetic field very strongly. We are dealing with a strange meteorite, which did not explode on impact with the ground, but, as a drill, went deep inside.

But the head of the geological team of one of the “Komsomolka” expeditions, Professor V. Antipin, is sure that not one but three strange events – explosions or something else – occurred underground and three times rocks were thrown to the surface which formed the crater body. Most of the scientists of the expedition are inclined to believe that this could be a very unusual meteorite in composition and properties.

Doctor of geological-mineralogical sciences A. Pospelov, head of ZAO “Irkutsk electric prospecting enterprise”, on the basis of electrophysical studies states:

– A three-dimensional object with increased electrical conductivity has been detected under the crater. It is ellipsoidal or cylindrical in shape and its top is located at a depth of about 100 meters. Downwards it goes to 600-700 meters. The object consists not of metal, but is formed by salt water, which fills the cavity under the crater.

Very interesting was the result of an experiment conducted by specialists of the Institute of Mechanics Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Doctor of physico-mathematical sciences, head of the IPM Laboratory of Wave Dynamics I. Simonov is sure:

– A high-density and strong cylindrical-shaped body struck, as a result of which a huge amount of rock was pushed to the surface. The length of the cylinder is 6 to 16 meters, the diameter of the base is about three meters. There was no explosion. This is evidenced by the shape of the crater. Pieces of rock are neatly squeezed out of the subsurface.
What did they squeeze out?

Another theory.

An alien object with the above mentioned parameters crashed into the Earth at high speed about 250 years ago. He like a shell broke through the rocks and penetrated to a depth of 600-700 meters, forming on the surface of the main cone of the crater. Then, in 1841-1842, the object released a lot of heat, which caused the soil above it to warm up and change the annual rings of trees. This caused the object to rise up its entrance channel to a depth of 100-150 meters. The ascent probably took place in two stages, leading to the formation of an inner cone shaft and a slide in the center. As a result of heat release in the channel below the object formed a cavity ellipsoidal shape throughout its depth, gradually filled with groundwater, which was revealed by electrical prospecting.

So, an alien object, similar in size and hardness to a giant shell, penetrating the upper part of the Earth’s crust, gets to the surface, to which it has very little left! And what happens when it gets out?

“Eagle” in the Yakut sky

Why do the Yakuts call the Patom crater “The Nest of the Fire Eagle”? Perhaps their ancestors in the XVIII century witnessed the fall of a UFO and used the name of the largest bird to name it, so it was clear: something big was flying. And “fiery” because the UFO was burning or glowing. And the place on earth, where the “fiery eagle” fell, they called “nest” because of the external resemblance of the crater with an ordinary eagle’s nest, arranged on a rock.

And the ancient Sumerians, for example, called the flying machines of the gods “eagles”.

Martian colonization of Earth 65,000 years ago

Metaphysicist and esotericist Drunvalo Melchy-sedek writes in his book The Ancient Mystery of the Flower of Life that Martians colonized Earth during the time of early Atlantis. According to him, about a million years ago, life was booming on Mars. Then its inhabitants joined the “Lucifer rebellion,” but the venture failed and the Red Planet was destroyed. But the Martians managed to build a pyramid complex, which they used to transport themselves to Earth and settle in Atlantis, some 65,000 years ago. They tried to take over Atlantis, but without success. For a long time they settled down.

Then, 13,000-16,000 years ago, the Martian immigrants built several structures with which they wanted to rule our planet. But the experiment failed and led ultimately to the death of Atlantis.

“War of the Worlds” – a warning to mankind?

Of all the predictions of science fiction writers about the possible colonization of Earth by aliens, the most famous is the novel “War of the Worlds” by Herbert Wells. According to his plan, the Martian invaders brought to Earth the new principles of science and technology – these are combat robot-trains, heat and light beams, planes, gas attacks … What is it: a fantasy or memories, preserved in the human genes?

If you remember, the events of the novel begin with the fall of the Martian cylinder to Earth. Humans dream of making contact with the Martians, but they have other plans: “To conquer a new world, closer to the Sun, is their only salvation from steadily approaching doom.

This is how Wells describes the alien “guest”: “He saw a giant crater dug by a fallen body… The protruding part had the appearance of a huge burnt cylinder… The cylinder was artificial, hollow, with a screw cap! Most of all it looked like a rusty gas tank buried in the ground … yellowish white metal … of an unusual hue.

The interplanetary projectile ship and the way it arrived on Earth are reminiscent of what is known about the Patom Crater. The coincidence of details of the novel with the facts of our days – an accident, Wells’ memories of long ago events or foresight of the future? Recall that the novel was published 11 years before the fall of the Tunguska meteorite.

Who is bombarding the Earth?

Where did the shell cylinder come from? It is hardly worth mentioning Mars, long abandoned by its inhabitants. But if not from the Red Planet, then from where?

Maybe from the Moon? Internet publication of V. Pyatibrat’s translation of J. Leonard’s book “There is someone else on our Moon” allows us to assume the presence on the Moon either of their civilization or bases of aliens from other planets using the Moon to observe us.

This is all speculation, and the mysterious cylinder is under the Patom crater, waiting to be discovered.

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