Obsession with Mars: Is it the home planet of our ancestors?

This year, Mars has been the focus of NASA, world governments, SpaceX and billionaires who aspire to go to the Red Planet. Mars is an absolute obsession, as “Marsomania” is virtually nonstop…

But why? By all accounts, Mars is a cold, desolate desert. One could go to the Atacama Desert in Chile and get a much more acceptable “Mars” for survival. What exactly is it that draws us to Mars? Maybe we just don’t want to be alone in the universe?

It’s as if humans have a built-in desire to get to Mars. Given the danger, you’d think we could focus more on saving the environment here on Earth. Obviously, we need to do that.

However, Elon Musk has stated that he intends to go to the Red Planet by 2026, despite all the dangers. One day he hopes to establish a self-sufficient Martian civilization.

Tuned to Mars.

Many species on Earth have an instinctive urge to return to their homeland. To get there, they are capable of extraordinary feats of navigation and endurance.

According to many researchers, life on Earth may have originated on Mars billions of years ago. Now we have it in us to want to return there, even in its present devastated state. Although the prospects look bleak, nothing will stop us from flying to Mars.

About 4 billion years ago, Mars was more like Earth, but for unknown reasons it lost its magnetic field. Then solar winds stripped the planet of its atmosphere. To escape, humans may have traveled to Earth or seeded life through organic molecules on Martian meteorites.

Remarkably, there is a physiological indication that Mars may be our original home planet.

When astronauts go into outer space, their circadian rhythms, their body’s biological clock changes from a 24-hour day to a 24.9-hour day, which is the exact rotation period of one day on Mars.

Thus, this indicates that people who go to Mars may actually return to their home, where they have not been for thousands of years.

Notably, many people have a circadian rhythm closer to 24 hours and 11 minutes. On Mars, a day is about 24 hours and 40 minutes.

Here on Earth, the human “body clock” (biological clock) can range from 24.2 to 24.9 hours. When exposed to sunlight and following a daily routine, they tend to synchronize with the 24-hour clock.

Humans and aliens on Mars?

It sounds unrealistic, but some claim that humans and aliens currently have a base on the Red Planet. For example, Haim Eshed, who headed Israel’s space service for 30 years, recently claimed that there is a secret underground base on Mars. There American astronauts and aliens have been working together… for many years now.

Eshed has long claimed that the U.S. government signed an agreement with the aliens. If true, this could coincide with stories about President Eisenhower in the mid-50s. According to Philip Schneider, a high clearance design engineer, Eisenhower made a pact with three kinds of aliens. (Schneider later died under highly suspicious circumstances).

Whether these stories are true or not, a Martian base is inevitable. According to Nick Pope, a former UFO investigator for the British Ministry of Defense:

“I think the next few years will be absolutely pivotal in Mars exploration. We see mission after mission, mission after mission, and again the question becomes, ‘Why?” – Pope said.

“Because when humanity goes into space, will we need a planetary base? Mars is the right place for that,” Pope said.

A Martian base

Of course, common sense dictates that humans need a base, and what better way to do so than on our nearest neighboring planet?

Thus, former Air Force meteorologist and contactee Charles J. Hall argues that there has long been an agreement between the government and “high white” aliens.

In exchange for the colonization of exoplanets by aliens, the “high whites” wanted help in building bases for their periodic use, Hall claims.

Notably, Eshed suggested that sharing spaceships might be the milestone at which aliens would deem humanity worthy of further contact.

Scientists recently published a study suggesting that huge lava tubes on Mars might be a suitable temporary shelter for astronauts. Similar tunnels on the Moon could also serve as protection from radiation. Perhaps the astronauts would find that life has already found shelter there? If not American astronauts and aliens, probably some extraterrestrial extremophilic microbes.

Journey to Mars (deadly)

Today, NASA is partnering with SpaceX, which won a $2.89 billion contract from two other private companies to deliver astronauts to the moon. If successful, NASA astronauts will walk on the moon for the first time since 1972 (if they were actually there for the first time then). Ultimately, NASA hopes to get humans, as well as supplies and materials, to the moon and beyond.

In essence, NASA has shifted the costs and risks to a private spaceflight company.

SpaceX founder Elon Musk recently made some interesting comments about Earth Day 2021. Musk spoke with Peter Diamandis, who is launching a contest with a $100 million prize. The XPRIZE Carbon Removal contest is the largest incentive prize in history to combat the biggest threats facing humanity on Earth: climate change and rebalancing the Earth’s carbon cycle.

“Flying to Mars is like a Shackleton ad going to Antarctica. You know it’s dangerous, it’s uncomfortable, and it’s a long trip,” Musk said.

Musk then suggested that dying for a glorious adventure would be worth it. Of course, that’s easy to say if he’s not aboard a spaceship.

“You may not come back alive, but it’s a glorious adventure, and it will be an amazing experience.”

“Yeah, honestly, a bunch of people will probably die in the beginning.”

“It’s tough out there.”

Terraforming Mars

Mars is barren today, but there are plans to terraform the planet. Perhaps this will return it to more Earth-like conditions of the distant past.

If Elon Musk gets his way, the planet could be warmed by detonating nuclear bombs over the Martian polar ice caps. The radiation created would then escape into space, he suggests. There is almost complete recklessness involved.

Otherwise, scientists have ideas of redirecting comets or asteroids to fall on Mars. So maybe it’s not so crazy? According to ancient space theorists, such an idea could have been carried out by aliens in Earth’s past.

In short, the current state of Mars is the opposite of the current state of Earth. While we have too much carbon dioxide because of our activities, there is not enough on the Red Planet to create favorable global warming. Too bad we can’t export the excess CO2 to Mars, though it still wouldn’t be enough.

Currently, NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s MOXIE experiment aims to change what little CO2 there is on Mars into oxygen. Since the amount of oxygen would be so small, a more realistic plan might be to export oxygen-creating extremophilic microorganisms from Earth. About 2.5 billion years ago, it was such cyanobacteria that created our oxygen-rich atmosphere.

Unfortunately, NASA determined in 1976 that using microorganisms to create a breathable atmosphere could take thousands of years. Moreover, since Mars has lost its magnetic field, this would be a futile endeavor anyway.

Therefore, the first problem is to restore Mars’ magnetic field. But how can this be done?

The magnetic field of Mars.

Interestingly, according to the Planetary Society:

“We don’t have the technology to rock the planet’s core faster to revive its magnetic field, says NASA chief scientist Dr. Jim Green. He and his colleagues have suggested that a magnetic field placed at the L1 point between the Sun and Mars, where their gravities are roughly equal, could theoretically envelop Mars and protect it from the solar wind.”

At present, according to Green, scientists can already place a weak field at the stable Lagrangian point L1 between the Sun and Mars. (2,000 Gauss) So if they can figure out how to make the magnetic field stronger (more like 10,000 Gauss), it might work.

Martians return home

If all goes well, Mars could become similar to Earth again. However, because of the lower gravity, conditions are likely to be similar to those of life in the Himalayan mountains. Think about it: cold, thin air with low oxygen content.

Interestingly, on Earth, the Himalayas retain traces of ancient civilizations that have disappeared. Similarly, Martian conditions at high altitudes in Chile seem to coincide with frequent reports of UFOs.

Perhaps the aliens found ideal conditions there.

All things considered, it seems better to restore the environment here on the Blue Planet before we go to the Red Planet. Nevertheless, the appearance of astronauts on Mars seems inevitable in our quest to find other life in the universe.

As with the Moon, humans will become aliens, if not Martians, returning home.

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