MEDICAL ETHICS FAIL: Covid vaccines worsen disease upon exposure, and trial participants are not being warned by doctors or researchers

(Planet Today) Patients who participated in Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine” clinical trials were not told that the injections could worsen disease upon exposure to challenge or circulating viruses, a new study has found.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Researchers from New York University (NYU) and Tulane University looked at available published literature to see whether or not the risks associated with Chinese Virus injection were properly disclosed to patients. They were not, it turns out, and many patients ended up learning the hard way through serious illness or death.

Both preclinical and clinical evidence exists to suggest that Wuhan Flu shots can, in fact, worsen disease upon exposure to the virus and to other viruses within the coronavirus family. These include the common cold, which many are unaware is a type of coronavirus.

Just like how flu shots have been shown to increase coronavirus infection risk, Chinese Virus vaccines damage the immune system, causing it to overreact to viral exposure and potentially induce a deadly cytokine storm.

This is a serious risk, and one that both clinical trial participants and everyday people who are lining up to get injected at the local pharmacy are simply not being told about, the new study suggests.

Wuhan Flu shots, we now know, were designed in such a way as to elicit neutralizing antibodies that end up sensitizing vaccine recipients to more severe disease. In other words, getting injected actually worsens one’s risk of developing a serious infection later on down the road.

Worse yet, none of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) jabs currently on the market have ever been formally approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for safety or efficacy. Neither have any of the experimental injections for MERS, SARS, or RSV – three other types of coronaviruses – it is important to note.

One of the major reasons for this is that viral-based vaccines simply do not work. These in particular contain fundamental flaws in their mechanistic design that, as previously mentioned, cause the human body to become more prone to illness. This is why we keep saying that this whole thing is one big experiment on human health, the long-term implications of which are yet to unfold.

Chinese Virus injections, the study further explains, may worsen disease risk through what is known as antibody-dependent enhancement, or ADE. This risk, however, is “sufficiently obscured in clinical trial protocols” – meaning participants are being left in the dark about what could happen to them health-wise.

The consent forms for ongoing Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) vaccine trials likewise do not contain any of the appropriate information warning participants that they could become more ill with the Chinese Virus than if they had simply not taken the injection in the first place.

What this all means, of course, is that Chinese Virus injection recipients are nothing more than human guinea pigs being experimented on, at the pleasure of Big Pharma and the medical-industrial complex.

“The specific and significant COVID-19 risk of ADE should have been and should be prominently and independently disclosed to research subjects currently in vaccine trials, as well as those being recruited for the trials and future patients after vaccine approval, in order to meet the medical ethics standard of patient comprehension for informed consent,” the study concluded.

Covid vaccines are the real pandemic spreading disease

Another thing to keep in mind is that there still is no definitive proof that the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) even spreads the way the “authorities” claim it does. As we have been saying, the injections are the real pandemic.

They function as a pathogenic primer to “ripen” the body, so to speak, to more easily develop disease. Even if a jab recipient does not immediately suffer adverse effects, he or she likely will later on down the road upon encountering a cold virus, for instance.

Now that the Northern Hemisphere is about to break into summer, vitamin D levels will be up and many vaccinated people will probably do okay for the time being. Once fall rolls around, however, there is no telling what might happen next.

Perhaps this will be the “fourth wave” – or are we on the fifth wave now? – of the Chinese Virus that fake doctors like Anthony Fauci have been threatening us with if we take our masks off “too early.”

The biggest elephant in the room is the total lack of informed consent with the government’s aggressive vaccination program. The general public is being falsely led to believe that getting injected is completely safe and effective, and most are blissfully unaware of what is being done to their immune systems.

Not only that, but The New York Times was even telling people last year to “prepare for the coronavirus” by getting a flu shot. So not only did some people do that, increasing their susceptibility to contracting the Chinese Virus but now many of those same folks are lining up to get a Wuhan Flu shot as well.

“If you can produce anything, have no responsibility for adverse effects, persuade the government to offer it for ‘free’ (taxpayer-funded) – or even better, force everyone to have it – and if you don’t actually care if it kills or ruins lives, then good job. You’re laughing all the way to the bank,” wrote one of our own commenters about the situation at hand.

More related news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) deception can be found at

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