Massive California wildfires last year were caused by arson, not climate change

(Planet Today) One of the largest wildfires in California state history was caused not by “climate change” like the mainstream media claims, but rather by an arsonist who was trying to cover up a murder.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

After an eight-month-long investigation by the Solano County Sheriff’s Office, it was determined that the infamous Markley Fire was intentionally caused by 29-year-old Victor Serriteno, who was trying to cover up the murder of 32-year-old Priscilla Castro.

According to reports, Serriteno started the fire in order to burn Castro’s body and destroy all evidence of her murder. Her burned body was found on Sept. 2, 2020, near Lake Berryessa, which is where two others – 82-year-old Douglas Mai and 64-year-old Leon Bone – were also burned to death in the fallout.

The fire began on August 18 and quickly spread to become one of the largest in California’s history. It merged with the nearby Hennessey Fire to become part of the LNU Lightning Complex Fire, which is considered to be the fifth-largest fire to ever occur in California.

Castro reportedly disappeared on August 16, two days prior, after going on a date with Serriteno in Vacaville. The two met through an online dating app. One month later, Serriteno was arrested and held in jail without bail.

The Sheriff’s Office and CalFire officials later concluded that Serriteno intentionally started the fire, and the three deaths that resulted have all been ruled as homicides.

“Based on an extensive eight-month-long investigation, we believe Serriteno deliberately set the Markley Fire in an attempt to conceal this crime,” stated Solano County Sheriff Tom Ferrara at a news conference.

Serriteno will now face two additional counts of murder with special circumstances along with arson charges, including committing arson during an official state of emergency.

“I’d like to ring his neck,” said Ken Albers, an area resident whose house was burned down because of Serriteno’s act of arson. “They have no idea what all of us have been through. We were there for 30 years.”

Marci, Ken’s wife, lamented that all of her family memories are now destroyed, thanks to Serriteno’s malicious violence.

“I lost everything of my parents and I have no relatives,” she told CBS Sacramento. “I’m an only child. I have not one picture of my parents left. He took some lives away, too.”

Will the media issue a correction for its false reporting of the Markley Fire?

As for the deaths of Mai and Bone, neighbor Karen Canepa said she does not have the words to describe how she feels about this horrible situation.

“I don’t even have words. It is a tragedy, human life being taken,” she said.

At the end of the day, more than 30,000 acres were burned in Solano County alone due to Serriteno’s actions.

“You can’t help but be angry at him,” Ken added.

As of yet, the mainstream media has not issued a retraction or statement of correction concerning its misreporting about the Markley Fire. The world needs to know that arson, and not global warming, was responsible for all the death and destruction caused by the blaze.

“Stupid governor (Gavin Newsom) calls it global warming instead of calling out the California National Guard for helping fight fires,” one of our own wrote last summer after Newsom stupidly blamed climate change for the fires.

Newsom owes Californians and the world an apology for lying about the cause of this wildfire. He also owes his state an apology for attending a mask-free birthday party at the French Laundry restaurant while simultaneously telling Californians to “stay home” and “stay safe,” but that is a topic for a different article.

More related news about the fake news media’s climate change deceptions can be found at

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