Mankind – The Creation Of The Star Gods

In The Path of the Soul, a curious work published in the holy city Amritsar, India, readers will find this dramatic passage:

The length of time that has passed since the soul entered the physical universe is virtually incalculable, for the age of the human race defies imagination.

Millions and millions of years before the beginning of recorded history, there were great civilizations of which there now remains no trace.

Is the human race really “millions and millions” of years old? Did physical bodies “evolve”? Were the physical bodies of humans, animals, birds, insects, microbes, etc., collectively designed and created by a race of superior spiritual beings (perhaps our race?) in deep space countless millions of years ago? Did all creatures once exist only in spirit form? Modern researchers are compelled to address themselves to these and other questions.

Evolution and Creation

The two generally accepted explanations for the origin of life-creation and evolution- have obvious weaknesses.

As one example, the theological doctrine of perfect momentary “divine creation” does not easily reconcile itself with the characteristics of the human body, which is subject to too many structural and biochemical frailties and imperfections to have fi rst appeared in this way.

The vulnerability of the human body to disease is just one example of bodily imperfection.

On the other hand, the theory of evolution, the other explanation for the origin of life , also has weak points-the “missing link” being one of the most notable. No single species today is observed in an intermediate transitional evolutionary stage, and if evolution is an ongoing process, we can only wonder why no evolutionary stage (not to be confused with slight bodily variation of creatures within their own species as environmental adaptability characteristics) is discernible.
Indeed, many species of fauna and flora surviving today are essentially identical in appearance and bodily structure to their fossil ancestors of hundreds of millions of years ago; they have not “evolved” or changed form to the perplexity and dismay of evolutionists-but have remained the same, except, in some cases, for the development of minimal environmental adaptability variations, since their earliest fossil records on this planet.

The following partial list gives the approximate ages of the oldest, largely unchanged fossil ancestors discovered.

According to the evolution doctrine, the great spans of time listed below are far too long for life form bodies to have remained in a non-flux non-evolutionary static state!

So what of Man? Judeo-Christian and other theologians misguidedly or unwittingly endeavor to degrade Man from the noble, elevated spiritual being that he really is. Theologians say Man was created in the spiritual image of God, yet they regard Man as a miserable sinner – an almost unworthy entity.

Evolutionists disparage Man by associating him with a primitive animal origin, which to many sensitive, thinking people is an abhorrent thought. Modern Man bears but a vague, superficial resemblance to an ape. Anatomically, the central nervous systems of Man and ape differ. Even with its complex cerebral structures, an ape cannot be taught to speak in human language.

Man was/ is not an animal. Soviet researchers have shown that Man’s aggressive t~ndencies are not biologically inherent in his genes-a carryover from theorized omnivorous animal ancestors but are tendencies conditioned into his thought patterns by society, Hostility in Man to the point of irrational psychological motivations is not instinctive.

On another note, savants of old learned that Man’s unique creative abilities, aside from procreation, are not in fact due to diverted sexual energy but originate solely in his personal spiritual aspirations. By nature, man is a creative spiritual being, constantly creating and conquering new horizons, possibly on all planes of existence.

The Origin of Man

Leaving aside further discussion of the nature of Man, for the time being, let us turn to the question of Man’s beginning.

If we can be sure that modern Man coexisted with early primates, apes, and hominoids in antiquity, we can assert that there definitely is no relationship between modern Man and these creatures, that these species are separate from each other.

The fact is that Man today coexists with the nonhuman anthropoid ape families, and if he had an evolutionary “link” with any of them, or with any other surviving anthropoid primates, these apes, etc., should have disappeared.

It is illogical, to say the least, to assume that some of their ancestors, strangely “branched-out,” eventually to become men, while others became what they are today.

Further, if modern Man really did have, or has, a “link” with the nonhuman anthropoid primate families, then he should be able to crossbreed with them, and of course, this is impossible.

The DNA-deoxyribonucleic acid molecules within living cells have, for every life form body, such a rigid set of differently coded “blueprints” for cell reproduction that unrelated species cannot crossbreed.

What did happen, then? As a hypothesis, suppose that several thousands of millions of years ago, before the physical universe began, all types of the countless forms of beings existed only in spiritual form or in a spiritual state. Perhaps a point was reached when, for example, the most superior spiritual beings (our spiritual race, or very advanced human souls) desired or needed to live in physical bodies in a physical universe.

Then perhaps a higher force-the Supreme Creator or, collectively, this advanced race or races or spiritual beings themselves-created mass, physical bodies for themselves and possibly for their creatures. Did such beings also create the physical universe? If not, how did the physical universe come into existence?

Many of the concepts outlined here may seem extraordinary, but orthodox science, which requires material evidence on the physical plane, cannot analyze certain matters that cannot even be explained by orthodox theology.

How, for example, could science or theology explain the origin of something that did not have a beginning something that always existed?

Among other sources that can be quoted to back up the hypothesis, the Sanskrit teachings of the “heavenly region,” called by the ancients Sat Desh (“True Home”), in which spiritual Man existed long before he possessed chemical bodies and which was also the abode of the Supreme Creator, indicate that spiritual Man is immortal, without beginning or end.

And if the soul of Man always existed, it seems unli~ely that Man’s first bodily experience was in the form of a microorganism in any case, many scientists believe that Earth is not sufficiently ancient f~::>r intelligent beings to have evolved from protozoa; which are microscopic unicellular organisms). But then, from where did Man come?

Again, we have to return to the archaeological record, which, though extremely meager in this respect, taken in conjunction with ancient eastern philosophic and related treatises, indicates that separate-not hermaphroditic or androgynous, bisexual men and women existed in their present bodily for on other planets for several hundred million years before migrating to Earth in more recent times.

Possibly, spiritual Man could collectively have created a bodily form for himself by radiant spiritual energy.

The creation of physical material chemical matter by radiant spiritual energy is a subject known and utilized by exceptionally advanced Himalayan and other Yogis. Alternatively, Man may have been designed by “scientists” in laboratories on other planets.

It Man did arrive from other planets, his basic racial characteristics could be explained within this hypothesis: hereditary factors could have been pre-programmed into his genes in extraterrestrial laboratories as survival adaptability agents for differing planetary environments. Likewise, Man’s frailties may be explained: Man may have been more ideally suited to the atmosphere, gravitation, etc., on his original planets and possibly was longer lived.

The adaptation could easily have been incomplete: certainly, some structural chemical bodily weaknesses are evident.

One thing is certain: bodily forms could not have evolved. Unless, for example, all the component parts of an ear-pinna, meatus, drum, hammer, anvil, stirrup, etc.-function together in precise harmony, and in harmony with all other bodily parts, then hearing cannot take place. All the component parts of an ear, or an eye, or whatever, must have appeared at the same time for these organs to be able to function.

Slow evolution from protozoa cannot account for this. The precise balance mechanism in the skull, the three tubes filled with fluid, each in a different plane, also indicates intelligent design of a mechanism for erect mobile man, not slow evolution from protozoa.

In every aspect of his body, Man evidences careful planning and design.

For example, there is Man’s protective ability to synthesize vitamin K, the blood-coagulating vitamin, by bacterial process… Another possible built-in protective factor is the “blood-brain barrier,” a biochemical “fence; designed to prevent toxic substances from entering and damaging the central nervous system.

Cerebral cortex convolutions, which compress a capacious external region containing billions of nerve cells.
The human examples are manifold, from the Russian discovery of not one but a whole series of biological “clocks” controlled by a central “clock,” which in turn is regulated by the subthalamic region of the brain, to the extraordinary “pacemaker” cells in the heart’s sinus node, whose vocation in life is to keep the heart pulsing at the correct rhythm.

Evolution and creation are too simplistic in nature to explain such complexities. But then the question becomes: were the DNA molecules originally pre-programmed to perform their specific function or duties by extraterrestrial scientists and does each bodily cell possess its own omnipotent energy and intelligence – a supernal consciousness divinely inhabited by simple elemental spirits subservient to higher life forms?

Some clue to the answer may be seen in current research. For example, Prof. Geoffrey Burnstock, a London born zoologist at Melbourne University, announced that he had discovered a “self-governing,” third nervous system in the body that does not depend on the brain for its functions.

Let us now look at another enigma the origin of the physical universe. The “steady state,” “big bang,” “oscillating theory,” “anti-matter” concepts do not and cannot explain the beginning of the physical universe. The first element required for the beginning of the physical universe is hydrogen gas, but from where did the first material hydrogen atoms or atom come? Science doesn’t know! Hydrogen came into existence out of nothing!

Astronomical observations indicate that the physical universe did have a beginning-a starting point-about 15 to 20 billion years ago. But how? No one knows, and therefore suppositions are in order. The physical universe had definite starting points, but before those there existed something- spiritual beings, the directive intelligence behind it all.

The philosophy and metaphysics we have touched upon could be expended almost unendingly, but having reflected on different but related concepts, let us return to the discussion of the historical proof of early extraterrestrial visitations to Earth.

Modern Earthman and the “Ape Men”

In 1925 Dr. N. Grigorovich made a sensational arch’aeological find at Odintsovo near Moscow.

Grigorovich discovered a yellow brown “fossil” of what appeared to be a human brain embedded in carboniferous limestone sediment, a substance that belongs to a period of prehistory of so many millions of years ago (260 to 340 million years) that orthodox thought could not possibly conceive of any human being’s having lived on Earth in that period. Yet this amazing fossil has, in its remarkably striking resemblance to a human brain, a longitudinal dividing fissure between the two hemispheres, more than 15 convolutions, and a “human” cerebellum and vermis cerebelli.

Since 1925 repeated attempts have been made by geologists to explain away the find in terms of orthodox geological thought, but even after all these years the “stone brain” remains an insoluble enigma. Apart from a slight deformation caused by extreme terrestrial pressures over millions of years, the fossil is identical in appearance to the brain of modern Man.
It this fossil really was once a human brain and indications are that it was- to whom did it belong? A spaceman visiting Earth many, many millions of years ago? And if the Odintsovo fossil was once the brain of a visiting, or dwelling, spaceman and is the same in appearance as the brain of modern Man, then the theory of evolution is obviously in extreme doubt. We must have come from “out there.” And in that case, we could have dwelt in our present bodily form on other planets for hundreds or thousands of millions of years. This leads to the further question:

Were the ancestors of modern earthman-Homo sapiens or ” wise man”-placed on Earth more recently by spacemen?

Further endorsement of the concept of the extraterrestrial origin of Man is the extraordinary diversity of languages spoken on Earth. In any case, anthropologist Carleton S. Coon notes in his book The Origin of Races that of the more than 2,800 languages spoken on Earth literally hundreds are “unrelated to each other.” Moreover, many languages were actually more complex, involved, and expressive in antiquity than are those same languages today.

In other words, instead of having simplified origins that developed through history, the opposite took place: language began advanced, then became simplified through the millennia.

This fact alone points strongly to the arrival on Earth of advanced language-speaking peoples whose speech degenerated through the eons.

China, which according to legend was civilized 1 .25 million years ago, is known once to have spoken a complicated polysyllabic language but now has only a simplified monosyllabic structure.

Parallel to the language information, fossil evidence indicates that modern Man “suddenly” appeared on Earth and did not evolve from primitive hominoids or from any hominoids considered to be degenerate evolutionary branches in the so-called chain leading to modern man.

Equally as curious: the fossil record proves that at least one of the hominoids-Neanderthal man-also appeared suddenly (some 150,000 years ago) and disappeared more recently while becoming progressively more primitive toward the end of its existence the exact opposite of evolution!

A 200,000-year-old middle-Pleistocene skull of a previously unknown primitive hominoid, unearthed in July 1971 , near Perpignan in the south of France, was immediately hailed as a “key find.” The skull purportedly “fills the gap” between Java and Neanderthal man, but if this “Pyrenean man” really came before Neanderthal man, abundant skeletal evidence of Pyrenean man should exist, as it does for Aborigine cave painter in Australia.

Neanderthal man. But such abundant evidence does not exist. Interestingly, the Java man skeletal remains, also minimal, some hundreds of thousands of years older, though similar to other hominoids, were confined to Java, an island in the Indian Ocean isolated by sea and, of course, nowhere near France.

A weakness of the evolutionary theory is the insistence upon attempting to link unrelated and diverse discoveries in a cohesive and unbroken chain to support a dogmatic concept.

In his book Early Man , anthropologist F. Clark Howell makes this pointed and startling observation about Neanderthal man skeletal finds:

Neanderthal man … abruptly disappeared. The evolutionary tendencies that he exhibited during this period are extremely puzzling. For he seems to have become more “primitive,” not less so. The last fossils we have from Western Europe are even squatter, bulkier, and more beetle-browed than their predecessors.

He was noticeably different from modern Man and became more so as time went on … In addition to stopping suddenly, the classic Neanderthaler is replaced with equal abruptness by people like ourselves. There is no blending, no gradual shading from one type to the other. It is as if modern men came storming in and dispossessed the Neanderthals perhaps even killing them.’

Why did Neanderthal man degenerate?

Why did “modern men” abruptly replace Neanderthal men? Could any degenerated Neanderthal men perhaps still further degenerated have survived?

One site where the first evidence of later (i.e., 45,000-and 60,000-year-old) and more primitive Neanderthal skeletal remains were found is in the Shanidar cave in the mountains of Iraq; Neanderthal skeletal remains from an earlier period of prehistory, discovered on Mt. Carmel in Palestine, possessed much more advanced characteristics (for a Neanderthal). Perhaps there is a relationship between primitive hominoids and the enigmatic statement in the Popal Vuh, the sacred codex of the Quiche-Maya peoples, which mentions “several attempts” by the “gods” to Man. Were the “gods” spacemen scientists, and the hominoids the, results of “attempts” to make Man?

The next abrupt appearance of major proportions-was the “modern” Cro-Magnon or Paleolithic man, also with no proven ancestral ” link,” who appeared about 35,000 to 60,000 years ago, possibly in France, although remains have been found throughout Europe, the Middle East, and Russia. Although for a period Cro-Magnon man undoubtedly coexisted with degenerating Neanderthals, there is absolutely no ” link” whatsoever between the degenerated Neanderthals and the modern Cro-Magnon men: this fact cannot be explained by evolutionists.

Cro-Magnon man was a superior physical specimen with a larger brain capacity than modern Homo sapiens.

Cro-Magnon man, with his fine features and long head, also possessed a high degree of intelligence, as is now belatedly being discovered. According to Alexander Marshack, research associate at Harvard University’s Peabody Museum, the Cro-Magnon “Baton of Montgaudier,” nearly 15 inches long, of reindeer antler, appears to have been engraved ” … with the aid of a jeweler’s magnifying glass.” Researcher Marshack also established that, 34,000 years ago, Cro-Magnon man was keeping track of the lunar cycle by abstract symbols! The surprising sophisticated Cro-Magnon art, up to 35,000 years old , painted in strange, still fresh , non-fading pigments, likewise shows this race to have been highly intelligent.

In 1970, Soviet archaeologists made some very interesting discoveries in Upper Paleolithic (Cro-Magnon) excavation sites, alongside the River Sungir, near Bladimir, north of Moscow. The Sungir expedition , organized by the Academy of Sciences’ Institute of Archaeology and led by Prof. Bader, discovered beads, bracelets, and rings carved from mammoth tusks, a tiny, exquisitely carved ivory horse, shirts and trousers made from undressed skin, bark boots, caps decorated with bone beads and arctic fox teeth, and a delicate bone needle as slender and as long as a modern steel needle.

Several other disc9veries, including deliberately preserved skeletons of two boys, astounded the experts, but the most startling discovery was the weapons – 17 javelins and a spear-all almost eight feet long and quite straight, though carved from curved mammoth tusks.

How, the experts wondered, could curved mammoth tusks be straightened?

There is no explanation unless these ancient people were considerably more intelligent than anyone had previously suspected. obtain metal surgical instruments?

Were the Cro-Magnons space settlers.

Muan (from Mu), Atlantean migrants, or descendants of any of these beings?

Surviving Cro-Magnon traces can be seen in characteristics in Nordic, Mediterranean, and other races, but evolutionists cannot satisfactorily explain where every modern race came from. For example, Peking man (Sinanthropus), a pre-Neanderthal hominoid who roamed the plains of China some 360,000 to 600,000 years ago, is so primitive physically that it stretches the limits of credulity to accept the idea that this early creature was in any way related to the Chinese (or any other race), who, according to their own legendary accounts, possessed an advanced civilization dating back 650,000 to 890,000 years before the Peking man hominoid appeared on the scene.

Professor Bader remarked that the discoveries had “thoroughly shaken up our ideas of the Upper Paleolithic .”

The Auckland Institute and Museum (New Zealand) is in possession of a Cro-Magnon skull from France that bears unmistakable evidence of brain surgery. An opening about 11 to 12 inches in diameter had been deliberately cut through the frontal bone almost over the right eye, seemingly with a trepan-a cylindrical saw used to remove a circular piece of bone from the skull. But according to prehistorians, metal was unknown during the supposed Stone Age era of the Cro-Magnons!

Primitive bone or stone tools probably could not cut such a precision opening, and might even have killed the patient. From where did the ancients get such amazing technology? Do archaeologists rea11y say with certainty that no evidence exists to indicate an advanced civilization in China 1.25 million years ago?

In Morning of the Magicians by Louis Pauwels and Jacques Bergier states:

Systematic archaeological exploration has been going on for little more than a century… No serious exploration has been carried out in south Russia, China, or in central and South Africa.

Vast areas still preserve the secrets of their past.

And in 1951 Life ran a story about the discovery of 100,000-year-old skeletal bones of true modern man-Homo sapiens-on the shores of the Caspian Sea. Life, which described these bones as “amazingly different” from those of Neanderthals and other hominoids of antiquity, further remarked that the discovered bones of Homo sapiens were actually slightly older than the hominoids of that area.

S. M. Cole, Fellow of the Geographical Society, writing in the journal Discovery, November 1951 , The discovery of a jaw of Homo sapiens type in early glacial deposits at Kanam on the shores of the Kavirondo Gulf in Kenya, however, does make it appear at least possible that modern Man existed at an early date, though it needs to be stated that this evidence is still not accepted by some experts.

An even more thought-provoking discovery was reported by biology professor Frank Lewis Marsh, who remarked in his book Evolution or Special Creation?

Another example of tampering with the evidence was furnished by Dubois who admitted, many years after his sensational report of finding the remains of Java man …. that he had found at the time in the same deposits, bones that were unquestionably those of modern human.

This means that Java man- Pithecanthropus erectus, or erect ape man-lived at least 500,000 and possibly one million years ago. Modern Man apparently coexisted with Java man.

As biology professor A. M. Winchester states in his book Biology and Its Relation to Mankind:

There was a time when it was thought that perhaps modern Man was a direct descendant of the Java man, the Rhodesian man, and the Neanderthal man.

As the evidence has accumulated, however, it appears that this is not possible, because some ancient remains of true man have been found which were contemporary with the remains of some of these other forms.

There is in existence the cranium of a very primitive Rhodesian man hominoid about 40,000 to 50 ,000 years old. In this skull is a mysterious round hole about one-half inch in diameter. The opening elsewhere resembles a hole seared-through with a laser beam. The rim of the hole is unusually smooth, possibly indicating slight melting, then cooling.

If modern Man coexisted with early hominoids as far back as a million years, this obviously casts great doubt on the t.heory of evolution, since even by the most recent estimates man is considered to have appeared much later in history.

To summarize: for the reasons given, neither biblical creation or evolution satisfactorily explains Man’s birth and we must look elsewhere for Man’s origin. However, since Man did not “grow” on Earth-a matter we have established-he must have arrived from space. It has to be one or the other.

Settlers from Space

The prehistoric bones discovered, in fact, are likely to be those of earthborn space being settlers, and since Hindu chronology records the arrival of soul now dwelling on Earth as occurring some 3,888,000 years ago, we may assume that approximately four million years ago, .the first spaces/lip of Earth settlers arrived in a deliberately planned resettlement scheme.

Probably this was the start of several migration waves. Evidence dating back millions of years – a “tiled pavement,” over 12 million years old, at Plateau Valley, Colorado-indicates spacemen dwelling on Earth in those far-ott days, but no evidence for a deliberate large-scale settler migration to Earth exists beyond four million years ago.

How do the hominoids relate to all this? Were early and later hominoids biological robots-directed work slaves, capable of reproduction, but with limited self-volition and intellectual comprehension aside from self-survival capabilities? Were the hominoids less advanced souls trapped in bodies developed, manufactured, or created in laboratories on other planets by spacemen, then dumped on Earth as slaves to serve modern Man? Or did the hominoids have another, additional purpose?

These early manlike beings could have been placed on Earth by spacemen to see how they would survive in a terrestrial atmosphere in advance of the arrival of Man. This possibility cannot be ruled out, but indications seem otherwise, for the discoveries already mentioned indicate that modern Man preceded Kanjera, Neanderthal, Swanscombe, Peking, and Chellean (Abbevillian) man.

Whatever the origin of hominoids, there is no evidence to associate modern Man-or nascent humanity-in any way whatsoever with primitive hominoids or ” killer apes,” although, we will see, this factor does not preclude the possibility that the hominoids are related to the apes.

The theory of evolution is based on the premise that changes occur as the culmination of small favorable gene mutations-by “natural selection” of favorable gene mutations. But as the Nobel Prize-winning geneticist H. J.
Muller remarked in Scientific American:

“In more than 99 percent of cases, the mutation of a gene produces some kind of harmful effect, some disturbance of function.”

Also, natural gene mutations have been proved to be so infrequent that an animal or human gene and its hereditary characteristics have been calculated to remain stable for millions of years (we have only to remember the surviving species of plant and animal life, basically identical to their fossil ancestors up to 570 million years old).

So two basic facts emerge: the chances of natural gene mutation are slim, but possible; in more than 99 percent of the cases, gene mutation, whether natural or otherwise, involves, by observation, aberrant, retrograde, or regressive deterioration. In addition, gene mutation is mostly caused by action of one or both of tvyo external agents: radiation and chemicals.

Did spacemen, Lemurians, Muans, Atlanteans, and possibly others deliberately alter the basic hereditary gene DNA “blueprint” structure in the ova and sperm of apes, using radiation, chemicals, and 1 pre-programmed factors, to create the hominoids?

Natural, terrestrial, or cosmic radiation could be considered as a possibility for genetic deterioration in the apes, the hominoids, and of course the Neanderthals, but indications are that the hominoids were deliberately created by beings of high scientific intellect, and we know that life forms can be artificially changed.

In June 1970, H Gohbind Khorana, the Indian Nobel Prize-winner, announced that he had achieved the first total synthesis of a gene from atoms of simple chemical building blocks. No natural gene was required as a model in the reaction mixture.

In November 1970, Dr. James Danielli, the leader of a three-man team of scientists from King’s College, London, announced the successful artificial production of single-cell jelly-like amoebas. From groups of three amoebas they took the nuclei, membranes, and cytoplasms and synthesized them into living cells to reproduce.

Dr. Danielli, who has been working in this field since 1945, believes that within 10 to 20 years it will be possible to produce new mammals, including people, artificially. The British biologist also forecasts the artificial synthesis of new animals, plants, and microorganisms.

The amoeba research was undertaken by Dr. Danielli as part of a project for NASA to create biological robots able to live in possibly harsh planetary atmospheres. History, it seems, repeats itself.

As already outlined here, indications are that life form bodies for plants and animals and humans may have been artificially created in outer-space laboratories. Likewise, early and later hominoids could have been biological robots, artificially created by scientists of prehistory.

Evidence from Folklore Fortunately for the researcher, scientific likelihood is backed up by folklore from many areas and times.

For example, as Frank Waters relates:

“Contemporary Hopi, Zuni, and many other Indian tribes, as well as prehistoric Toltecs and Aztecs, believe in the myth that they lived on three successive worlds before coming to this one.”

In New Discoveries in Babylonia about Genesis , P. J. Wiseman states:

“No more surprising fact has been discovered by recent excavation than the suddenness with which civilization appeared in the world. This discovery is the very opposite to that anticipated … ”

Was modern earthman resettled here in antiquity-brought from distant worlds in spacecraft?

The African Baganda tribe preserve their pristine legend of the creation in which Man is believed to have descended to Earth from “heaven.”

A Maori legend, not previously researched in the UFO context, implies that some of modern earthman’s ancestors came from the star Whanui or Vega, 26 light years from Earth.

Likewise, in the 13th Century mosaic dome in the atrium of St. Mark’s, Venice, depicting the creation, toward the center of the dome are portrayed what can only be UFOs. Two disc-like flying objects are shown, complete with circular central sections resembling pilot’s cabins and surrounding edges.

Rays or jets emanate from six points around the inner edges of both discs; angels stand alongside. Other similar discoid and spherical objects are pictured in this mosaic, including a sphere encrusted with stars settled on the ground with angels or beings gazing out through two circular windows. The designers of this exquisite inlaid work evidently associated the flying discs and spheres with angels. Were the angels UFO pilots? Was Earth originally peopled in this way?

Many races of old cherish legends relating to their own origin: some firmly believe that their ancestors arrived on Earth from distant worlds. One example are the Ainus, or Ainos, an ancient aboriginal people, now of small numbers, who live in the north of Japan’s Hokkaido Island and on Sakhalin Island.

To this day the Ainu believe that their heavenly ancestors arrived in Shintas-UFOs-from the sky, and that their first god, or possibly ancestor, Okikurumi-Kamui, landed at Haiopira, Yezo, in a Shinta.

Eskimo legends recount that, millennia ago, their ancestors were resettled from central Asia and other sites to the far north by gigantic spaceships. Curiously, among the treasures preserved in the Leningrad Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography are several finely tooled and extremely unusual first century walrus tusk carvings of strange “winged objects” excavated in the Chukotka Eskimo burial grounds.

Recently, a Soviet archaeologist discovered a Stone-Age petroglyph of a cosmonaut near the city of Navoi in Soviet central Asia. Tass reported that the graphic work portrayed the entity carrying under his arm a space helmet complete with antennas, while on the back of the being was an “object” enabling him to fly. The archaeologist remains firmly convinced that this prehistoric drawing really represented a space, visitor of antiquity.

Were the Eskimos really air-lifted from several areas of our globe to the far north in spaceships? Julia Sorokina, a Soviet ethnologist, discovered a “link” between the Chukchi and Eskimos and the Polynesians; their blood grouping is similar, and, even more startling, some of their legends are almost identical.

Certainly, if central Asia was one point of origin for the Eskimos, it also is the site for some fascinating archaeological discoveries. Probably the most important find in this area, in the Gobi Desert, was made in 1950.

In that year, a joint Soviet-Chinese paleontological expedition to the Gobi, headed by Chow Ming Chen, discovered a petrified shoeprint embedded in sandstone; the shoeprint, dated at many millions of years old, has rows of indentations across the print, roughly seven to each row, and several raised ridges running the full length of the print. The indentations and ridges suggest climbing boots as part of a space suit.

Chinese and Russian paleontologists who have studied this shoe print have been unable to offer an alternative explanation to the spaceman hypothesis. Serious researchers believe the shoeprint was pressed into the moist Gobi sand by a space traveler who landed millions of years ago.

Similarly, some strange mouthless beings, in times long ago, arrived in the Prince Regent River area in western Australia the isolated, inaccessible Kimberley Ranges-and left rock paintings of themselves.

Aborigines definitely did not make these paintings. The aborigines believe that the mouthless beings were painted far back in the ” dreamtime” creation by the mystery race, and the paintings are, therefore, regarded by the aborigines with great awe Sir George Grey discovered the cave paintings in 1838 and noticed that these enigmatic beings were portrayed with halos, giving them a divine appearance.

But, equally, halos could represent space helmets. Many of the Kimberley Ranges’ painted beings are shown with footwear having climbing studs similar to the Gobi Desert shoeprint. Further, some of the portrayed entities, which are over nine feet tall , have unusual characters in an unknown, unidentified language on their headdresses. Grey discovered from the aborigine legends vague references relating to a man who came to Earth from the moon, executed the paintings, then returned to the sky.

Every one of the inscrutable beings is depicted wearing robes-some are painted in vermilion. The halos are also unusual; it was not until the sixth Century that halos were accepted by Christianity for esoteric religious adornments in works of art, paintings, statues, etc., although further back Buddha was often portrayed with an a,ur;a around his head. The stylized halos and mouthless appearance of the Kimberley visitors can easily be explained by reference to space helmets.

The artists would , then be representatives of a race of cosmonauts.

Through the years many theories have been advanced to try to find an explanation for the pictures of these mouthless beings, but a satisfactory solution cannot be arrived .at unless the space visitors hypothesis is accepted.
Ancient rock formations can be found in many areas of Australia; though eroded and worn by time, some definitely seem to have been carved by skilled beings in the shapes of birds and animals. One of the most engaging sites is Mt. Rufus in Tasmania, where giant rock formations resemble a falcon, an Egyptian Sphinx, and so on.

The 2.25-mile-high Marcahusai Plateau in Peru has strikingly similar eroded rock formations to those on Mt. Rufus. In appearance they seem about the same age. Representations of human faces, a lion or a sphinx, the Egyptian hippopotamus god Thoueris, and other animals and figures are common, and we must assume that the petroglyphs and carvings in Australia and Peru were executed by the same artisans from distant worlds.

In 1912 a rock petroglyph was discovered in central Australia depicting a very tall being who wore a conical space helmet, and this area clearly was an important location. For example, many ancient peoples have artificially duplicated the massive central Australian Ayers Rock-at Ur, the old Cpaldean city on the bank of the Euphrates, and Delphi and in India and Peru.

The fact is that central Australia could well be the site of the “Garden of Eden”-the chief landing site of spacemen. Many years ago James Churchward suggested that the Garden of Eden was located on the now lost continent of Mu in the Pacific, and, significantly, ancient peoples cherish beliefs that the paradise site, which did not sink, was marked by a massive rock in the same area of the world.

Ayers Rock and, its man-made duplications in some of the ancient lands mentioned exhibit identical characteristics, including a precipitous slope on one side and a more gradual declivity on the other. Aztec chronicles describe an unbalanced giant rock mass in “paradise” called “Culhuacan.” From Palm Valley, a lush valley 150 miles from Ayers, Ayers Rock clearly appears to slope more steeply on one side, with a more gentle slope on the other.

During my own intensive research into vanished Pacific continents, “Sons of God” legends, Ayers Rock, aborigine legends, and “serpent” deities of antiquity, it was of considerable interest to me to note that aborigines regard Ayers Rock as a holy place associated with “creation.”

One of the most curious aspects of the paradise enigma are Aztec legends that refer to paradise as possessing a palm grove watered by four converging rivers. Palm Valley is irrigated by four convergent rivers.

It seems almost certain that Australia was once part of a much larger southern continent in the Pacific-either.

Lemuria or Mu. And this is not “new knowledge.” For example in the Divine Comedy Dante recorded two rather startling mysteries: one was an early Greek legend referring to a massive southern continent that sank but left behind a “paradise” site; the other was a precise description of the Southern Cross, a constellation that cannot be seen from the northern hemisphere.

Babylonian, Hebrew, and Egyptian sources of old referred to the Garden of Eden site as being in the underworld.” It is possible that the underworld referred to by these ancient sources really meant Australia, which is referred to today by peoples in lands far distant as “down under.” For the enlightened ancients living in the northern hemisphere, the underworld may indeed have meant the southern hemisphere.

Probable confirmation for the existence and location of Lemuria or Mu, was the d!scovery in April 1967, of artificially carved rock columns engraved with unknown symbols at a depth of almost 6,000 feet close to the coast of Peru by scientists on board the Anton Bruun.

As Dr. Robert J. Menzies, the ocean research director of Duke University Marine Laboratories, said: “We did not find structures like these anywhere else … I have never seen anything like this before.”

In the same area the sonic depth recorder on the Anton Bruun detected “fumps” on the level sea bed that appeared to be the ruins of an ancient city, certain indications that an advanced civilization lived here when it was dry land.

The leads to the inevitable conclusion that though extremely ancient skeletal fragments of modern Man have been discovered at such locations as the shores of the Caspian Sea in the U.S.S.R., the shores of the Kavirondo Gulf in Kenya, and in Java, the richest deposits of the prehistoric bones of modern Man may never be found.

Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis, the legendary continents long since submerged, are, according to legend, the first sites where modern, not evolving, Man appeared on Earth. Man did not “evolve” on Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis. Aside from the striking similarity of the Odintsovo fossil “brain” to the brain of modern Man, the evidence of legends from Africa, east and southeast Europe, Japan, and the northeast frontier of India and other lands, and material discoveries- such as the. ancient optical lenses excavated in central Australia some years ago-all testify to the arrival of fully modern Man from space.

The sudden appearance of CroMagnon man suggests a migration from Atlantis to southern England and France of modern Man who had, perhaps, been dwelling on Atlantis for several hundred thousand or even a million years after originally being brought to Earth in spaceships.

The Cro-Magnons are an enigma; they appear to have led simple lives, but recent discoveries prove that they possessed a high degree of intelligence.

Possibly the Cro-Magnons were outcasts from Atlantis, or people forced to migrate due to circumstances, or people desirous of leading simple lives – beings with advanced intellects but without all the material benefits of an advanced technology. Certainly they possessed Atlantean implements or received assistance from spacemen or visiting Atlanteans. The subminiature engravings on the 14,000-year-old Baton of Montgaudier required a magnifying lens for the engraver to execute his work; successful cranial trepanning necessitates anesthetic and metal surgical instruments. A curved ivory tusk cannot be straightened without resort to “modern” technology.

O1d Sumerian, Babylonian, Egyptian, and Greek legends refer to “serpent” deities who were believed to have once resided in the “underworld.” The Garden of Eden in this context takes on additional interest and significance, possibly of paramount importance. Pristine legends from Australia and the Pacific islands offer innumerable references to serpent deities-beings who were anciently associated with the “creation” enigma in the area.

In this connection one can consider the “Sons of God” mentioned in Genesis 6:2, 4 who appear to have been intentionally interbred with earthborn women, as evidently were the serpent beings. A legend from the British Solomon Islands infers deliberate interbreeding between the serpent deities and earthlings. So perhaps the serpent deities-beings and “Sons of God” were the same race.

In any case, the spiral serpent symbol is found throughout the Pacific and is associated universally with the creation enigma. In this connection it is interesting to note that the aborigines have a most interesting name for Ayers Rock in addition to associating it with creation: Uluru, which means “serpent of the rock.”

Confirming this association is the belief among many ancient peoples that serpent beings were space beings of infinite wisdom and knowledge who came to assist and teach earthmen.

From earliest days, the serpent symbol is to be seen in many parts of the world, but undoubtedly the most fascinating portrayal is a detail on an Egyptian “magical” papyrus in the British Museum depicting a serpent encompassed by a ray-emitting disc.

The most usual form of the serpent symbol is a spiral representing a coiled snake; it has been discovered as petroglyphs and other pictorial representations in Britain, Greece, Malta, and Egypt; as pottery designs in New Mexico; as ground drawings on the Nazca Plateau, Peru, and throughout the Pacific Islands.

In Australia it is the creator, rainbow snake of the aborigines; in Iran, the Azhi Dahaka of the Zoroastrian religion; and in Africa the symbol is revered by the Zulus and Maravi. It is also to be seen at Tassili-n-ajjer in the central Sahara, while the Semitic serpent is known to most people.

Teutonic and Scandinavian deities, or Aesir, were serpent beings; in India they were known as Nagas, whose king was named Vasuki. The Druids, who taught that other worlds were inhabited, regarded themselves as serpent people, while the sages of ancient Egypt and Babylonia believed themselves to be “sons of the serpent god.”

During the early Christian era, and even before, there was in existence a religious sect called Gnostics who possessed mystical knowledge of divine origin. One early branch of Gnostics named themselves Ophites, derived from Greek and Hebrew words meaning “serpent.” The particular religious veneration of the Ophites was channeled into worshipping the serpent and the knowledge introduced into the world by the serpent at the Garden of ‘Eden site.

Legends from San Cristobal Island, say the serpent beings were creators, Ancient Egyptians, Hindus, Mayas, and Quiches also regarded the serpent beings as creators.

Papuan legends relate that the Gainjin- Sons of God, serpent beings came from a world in space identical to Earth, . to which they returned after their work on Earth was finished. One acceptable hypothesis, in the circumstances, is that the biblical ” serpent” in the Garden of Eden was in reality the many serpent space beings-Sons of God-of central Australia and possibly other lands. These serpents then interbred with earthborn women to produce a superior genetic strain among their offspring. It is not inconceivable. After all, Greek and Indian legends of old refer to a special race or races of space beings who married earthlings to produce superior offspring.

Aborigine legends indicate that the serpent beings were not above waging war, and an identical parallel is also mentioned in the Hindu legends of the Nagas, serpent beings who came from one of seven worlds and were concerned for and benign toward earthlings, whom they resembled but who, at the same time, they were capable of annihilating by use of brilliant, superhot- atomic-means. It is worth noting that at this period of history in Australia, which was supposedly isolated from the rest of the world, we find identical legendary parallels.

Apparently, from aborigine legends, the serpent beings waged many wars around Ayers Rock, and the vertical gutters in Ayers Rock testify to these wars. Actually, the Kimberleys’ Geike Gorge region resembles an archaic defensive position.

That the ancients associated serpents with space beings is clear, but why? For a reason one can go only to the stars. In this connection there exists an important constellation or star group extending from 15 degrees northern latitude to approximately 1 O degrees southern known as Serpentarius, “the serpent bearer,” or Ophiuchus (from the Greek for serpents). Discovery of this constellation is not recent; it was well known to the ancients. In Alexandria, Ptolemy, the great astronomer, geographer, and mathematician, catalogued Ophiuchus between 127- 145 A.O.

This star group was mentioned even further back in time by Eudoxus, in the fourth century B.C. Significantly, Ophiuchus is a constellation in proximity to the winding, serpent-shaped Serpens or Serpent constellation. One part of Serpens, Cauda, is just south of Ophiuchus, the other, Caput, is to the west-that is, Ophiuchus is between the head Caput and the tail Cauda.

A most fascinating star is situated in Ophiuchus and is of particular importance as a point of origin for the serpent space beings! Barnard’s Star, magnitude 9.5, almost six light years from Earth, discovered in Ophiuchus by E. E. Barnard in 1916.

In 1963 Dr. Peter van de Kamp, director of Sproul Observatory at Swarth, more College, Pennsylvania, confirmed that a planet first ascertained by himself in 1944 was indeed in orbit around Barnard’s Star. More recently, Dr. Van de Kamp calculated mathematically the existence of a second planet around this star. The two planets have masses of 0.8 and 1.1 of Jupiter’s mass. As many as 10 planets could be in orbit around this star, and it may be here that we will eventually find the origin of Man.


The physical universe and physical man came into existence, in the material sense, by a means totally alien, unconsidered, and probably incomprehensible to orthodox theology and science. Moreover, the first men and women on Earth were brought td this globe-to Lemuria, Mu, and Atlantis as settlers from many different planets in many different solar systems at least 1,750,000 and as much as four million years ago.

The Nihongi, or Chronicles of Japan, for the year 667 B.Q., proclaims that the first Japanese ” heavenly visitor” arrived on Earth more than 1,792,470 years ago. Working on the theory that intelligent beings do come from a planet or planets of Barnard’s Star or another such star, and were the serpent beings in the Garden of Eden – Palm Valley, then they probably arrived in central Australia within the last 12,000 years.

Assuming that the first men and women were placed on earth as much as four million years ago-as recorded in the Hindu chronology-this would mean that the people of Lemuria and Mu crossed over a ” lang-bridge” into Australia in comparatively recent times.

The modern aborigine is known to have been in Australia some 12,000 years, a date that corresponds with discoveries outlined by James Churchward in The Lost Continent of Mu , in which he established that Mu was submerged 12,000 years ago. Although Churchward did not consider that Mu embraced Australia, Aztec-Greek legends indicate that a southern continent did in fact embrace Australia, which could explain the appearance of the aborigines about the same time that a large portion of a southern continent sank.

In 1969, two complete, and five incomplete, mineralized and calcium carbonate-encrusted skeletons – two females and five males-of a primitive hominoid at least 20,000 years old and closely related to the Java man, were excavated some 120 miles north of Melbourne in a sand dune skirting the Kow swamp.

A. G. Thorne, anatomy lecturer at Sydney University, said of those skeletons:

“I feel the features in the Kow swamp skeletons as it is known which are not seen in modern aborigines, could not have evolved into the modern aborigine.” In other words the skeletons provide substantiation for the theory that the Australian aborigines came originally, in one form or another, from Lemuria or Mu.

By Robin Collyns, source:

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