Desperate vaccine propagandists now setting up DECOY “honey pot” anti-vax groups to wage psychological warfare on vaccine skeptics

(Planet Today) As Facebook and other social media giants remove groups and ban users who oppose the vaccination agenda, infiltrators are quietly setting up fake “honey pot” groups in their place to wage psychological warfare on “anti-vaxxers.”

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

One such honey pot group reported on by the BBC includes an altered photo of Bill Gates holding a syringe, much like the one in the headline of this article. It is presented to social media users as an “anti-vax” group when in reality it is anything but that.

A trained psychologist by the name of “Richard” set up the decoy group not to spread vaccine skepticism, but rather to try to “help” those who reject the notion that all vaccines are safe and effective simply because the government says they are.

Richard’s friend “Dave” – they all use fake names because they are scared of anti-vaxxers – pretends to believe in vaccine skepticism “conspiracy theories” to try to lure others into the group in order to manipulate them.

“If I was to actually create a group saying, ‘I’m going to re-educate you’ … then I’m not going to get any takers,” Richard says about the scheme.

“So, I have to do it in a stealth way, which is a bit underhanded, I suppose. But the intentions are good.”

Richard’s banner of Gates is followed by information claiming that he and Microsoft are plotting to kill millions of people through genocide – which they are, by the way – which aims to draw in those who reject the official deep state narrative surrounding vaccination.

All of this is designed to combat anti-vaccine sentiment on Facebook, which over the past several years has been aggressively targeting people who question vaccines as anything other than perfect medicine for the masses.

Plandemic lockdowns spurred many to start researching vaccines

You see, the government, Big Tech, and Big Pharma are deeply concerned about the fact that people all around the world are waking up to the truth about vaccines.

In the Ukraine, for instance, anti-vaccine content grew by 157 percent in 2020 alone, reaching nearly 26,000 page likes – double the amount compared to the previous year.

In Mexico, Brazil, and India, anti-vaccine pages similarly grew by about 50 percent each over the past year, a faster growth rate than the two years prior combined.

The plandemic kept a lot of people home on their computers and phones, during which time they started researching things that they had never before taken the time to research. This led many of them to realize that vaccines are death “medicine” that they do not want for themselves or their families.

People also started learning about how mRNA injections permanently alter DNA while doing absolutely nothing to protect against the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19). They also come with serious side effects that are being widely downplayed by the corporate media.

According to the fake news media, anyone who figures out the vaccine sham is an “extremist” who must be stopped from telling others about it online. It is also off limits to tell others about the vaccine genocide that is being brought about through compulsory mandates.

So far, Richard and Dave have drawn in several thousand members from all around the world. They are now working on “converting” these members into the vaccine cult, which for all intents and purposes is a religion.

“It was horrible having to lie to begin with,” Richard admitted about the deception.

Now, however, Richard has convinced himself that taking down people’s posts and challenging their skepticism is good for society and the world. He even claims to have saved people’s lives by preventing them from falling into “dark places” of fear concerning Chinese Virus injections.

“I’m in a better place,” one allegedly converted member told BBC.

“I’m in a proper home environment now, I’ve got rug rats running around my feet again,” he added, referring to his grandchildren.

This same member, who used to oppose vaccines, recently got injected with the Chinese Virus after being against it just a few months prior.

According to Richard, this is a good thing and just goes to show that social media “needs to be policed a lot better.” Until that happens, he says, “conspiracies are going to keep growing.”

Facebook agrees, which is why it is rapidly expanding its censorship department to “ensure people are seeing accurate information.” The social media giant is actively removing groups, pages and even user accounts that “deliberately discourage people from taking vaccines, regardless of whether the information can be verified as false or not.”

This is the Stasi-like medical police state we have been warning about for years, only to be told that we were “conspiracy theorists.” Ironically, we were conspiracy fact-ists who have been proven right.

Even so, Facebook is on a mission to remove as much truth as possible from the platform. Thus far, more than 160 million pieces of “misleading content” have been pulled since the beginning of the plandemic. It has also “connected” more than two billion people to information from “trusted health authorities.”

Hilariously, Richard and Dave’s group was recently suspended because it contains posts that Facebook has deemed as “falsehoods.” Even more hilariously, they are appealing the decision on the grounds that they have been targeted for unfair censorship.

More of the latest news about government efforts to stamp out vaccine truth through manipulation, deceit and trampling liberties can be found at

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