Can experimental mRNA vaccines act as bio-weapons and transmit coronavirus spike proteins to the unvaccinated?

(Planet Today) After Pfizer skipped animal trials for their new mRNA coronavirus vaccine, they began using various doses of foreign mRNA to experiment on human test subjects. This foreign vaccine mRNA stops the innate transcription process in human cells, providing new instructions for protein synthesis which basically overwrites the innate genetic expression from the body’s own DNA.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

The foreign vaccine mRNA halts the natural protein synthesis in human cells, blocking cells from producing the amino acid sequences that they typically build for the proteins that are needed in the body. The foreign vaccine mRNA circumvents the innate intelligence of the human body, instructing the ribosomes of the cells to instead churn out spike proteins (properties from the coronavirus bio-weapon).

In the study design documents furnished by Pfizer, scientists warn of “occupational exposure” to the vaccinated in a 24-hour monitoring period. What might be transmitted by the vaccinated, if occupational exposure is of concern? Why did Pfizer keep this limited occupational exposure data separate from the clinical study?

Pfizer documents warn of potential adverse events from occupational exposure to the vaccinated

According to Pfizer’s own study design documents, scientists were concerned about “occupational exposure” to the recently vaccinated test subjects. Under section “ Occupational Exposure” Pfizer warns that caretakers and close contacts of the recently vaccinated could be exposed to the spike proteins that are translated and synthesized in the cells of the vaccinated. During the clinical trials, Pfizer instructed researchers to monitor for severe adverse events in the vaccinated and in the unvaccinated people who were exposed to the vaccinated. What does “occupational exposure” entail? The mRNA vaccines do not shed live viruses, so what exactly is being transmitted from the vaccinated to the unvaccinated?

“When such exposures happen, the investigator must report them to Pfizer safety within 24 hours of becoming aware of when they happened, regardless of whether or not there is an associated secondary adverse event. However, Pfizer said the information does not pertain to the participant involved in the study, so it can be “kept separate from the study.”

The environmental exposure data extends to females who are found breastfeeding after being exposed to the vaccinated. “An example of environmental exposure during breastfeeding is a female family member or healthcare provider who reports that she is breastfeeding after having been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact.”

The environmental exposure data includes any “male family member or healthcare provider who has been exposed to the study intervention by inhalation or skin contact” and then “exposes his female partner prior to or around the time of conception.” It appears that scientists are worried about the potential for spike proteins to transmit through semen or though the aerosols or the skin of the vaccinated person.

A freedom of information act request (FOIA) should be immediately filed with Pfizer to access this concealed environmental exposure data and determine whether adverse events did occur in people who were merely exposed to the vaccinated in the first 24 hours after exposure. (Related: Pfizer’s own documents admit covid vaccines will shed infectious particles to others.)

Why are we experimenting with innate genetic expression and halting the body’s natural protein synthesis?

Protein synthesis is a continuous process carried out by the cells. These proteins may come in the form of enzymes, which are needed to facilitate biochemical reactions. These proteins can be antibodies, which help the immune system fight infections. The proteins produced by cells can be structural proteins that provide support for connective tissues or they can be contractile proteins that help with muscle contraction and movement. Proteins can also be hormones, which help coordinate bodily functions. Proteins are also used for transportation; for example, hemoglobin proteins transport oxygen through the blood. DNA-associated proteins are produced to regulate chromosome structure during cell division and/or play a role in regulating future genetic expression. The mRNA vaccines put these natural processes on hold, forcing the body to produce something that is not beneficial to the body at all – properties of a coronavirus bio-weapon.

The various proteins, whether they are hormonal, structural or antibodies, are designed to benefit the human body, providing vital functions for life. So why would scientists dare to interfere in this natural process, forcing the body to create foreign spike proteins that are nothing more than inflammatory toxins? This process effectively trains the immune responsive cells to attack the body’s own process of protein synthesis. The ensuing inflammation on the cell surface is not accounted for.

Are immune responsive cells always able to differentiate these foreign spike proteins from the various proteins that the body synthesizes for vital functions? What if the immune responsive cells fail to neutralize these spike proteins and the foreign spike proteins go on to interfere with vital processes in the body? What are the consequences of training the immune cells to attack one of the most important functions of the cells? What if the foreign vaccine mRNA translation process continues unabated, creating perpetual inflammation and autoimmune issues? How does foreign mRNA affect genetic expression over time? Does the injected mRNA change how the cells read the innate genetic code from the DNA in the future?

On a much larger scale, do these spike proteins transmit from person-to-person, through inhalation, body fluids, blood donation, or skin-to-skin contact?

Learn more about experimental vaccines and environmental exposure from these five incredible doctors:

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