California politicians demand one-month MASK DEPROGRAMMING period so brainwashed libtards have time to end their mask addictions as “the science” kicks in

(Planet Today) While the other 49 states remove the mask in accordance with new CDC guidelines, California is doubling down on trying to keep people masked for just one more month so liberals in the state have time to deprogram their addiction.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Even as numerous chain stores have lifted their mask requirements, a handful of far-left California politicians is demanding that residents continue to mask up until June 15.

“This four-week period will give Californians time to prepare for this change, while we continue the relentless focus on delivering vaccines particularly to underserved communities and those that were hit hard throughout this pandemic,” stated Mark Ghaly, California’s health director.

Truth be told, many Californians took off the mask months ago and over the weekend many thousands more joined them. None of these people, nor the stores where they shop, are going to return back to slavery, but Ghaly is ordering them to so mask-loving liberals will not be too traumatized by the sudden change.

Failed California Gov. Gavin Newsom, who is likely to be voted out in the upcoming recall, is also ordering his subjects to keep the mask on until June 15 so the mentally ill can get used to the new “science” from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

“On June 15, California plans to implement CDC’s guidelines around masking to allow fully vaccinated Californians to go without a mask in most indoor settings,” Ghaly further explained in a press conference that nobody bothered listening to.

Dear California: Newsom and Ghaly are not in charge of your body

While the new CDC guidance says that only vaccinated people are allowed to take off the mask, there is no legal authority for anyone anywhere to demand proof of vaccination. That would be against the law, it turns out.

So, most of America can now resume life as it was prior to early 2020 – that is if they are willing to do so and shrug off any further government interventions that may try to enslave them under a yoke of medical fascism.

In California, people are increasingly ignoring whatever comes out of the mouth of Newsom, Ghaly, or whatever other political hack starts yapping on the news about the long-ended Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic.

Seeing as how the establishment clearly wants this all to go away now that Anthony Fauci has been outed as an asset of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) who lied under oath about sending American taxpayer money to Chinese laboratories to conduct illegal gain of function research.

After his grilling last week by Sen. Rand Paul, Fauci appears to have been carted off behind the curtain at the same time that both the White House and the CDC suddenly announced that the masks could come off.

Newsom has flip-flopped a lot on the issue as well, first saying that he would adopt the CDC’s new “science” before quickly backtracking and saying that he would rather deny the science and keep Californians masked until June 15.

If you live in California, just go ahead and ignore what these talking heads are saying and take off the mask, pronto. There is no need to continue suffocating yourself because some hypocritical bureaucrat somewhere is afraid that freedom has come “too soon.”

“Even though the truth about where this madness came from is emerging, don’t expect justice to be served,” noted one of our own commenters. “People like Fauci have low friends in high places, which was why he acted so confident while lying through his teeth while being questioned by Senator Paul.”

More of the latest news about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) tyranny can be found at

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