Bill and Melinda Gates: a dark history of exploiting poor children as human “guinea pigs” for mass medical experimentation

(Planet Today) Listening to the media, one is led to believe that billionaire eugenicist Bill Gates and his ex-wife Melinda have devoted much of their lives to helping others through their so-called philanthropy. Underneath the surface, however, is a legacy of extensive human rights abuses.

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

Back in 2010, for instance, a Gates-funded NGO (non-governmental organization) tested a new experimental “vaccine” on children in India without parental consent. These children were used as human guinea pigs by Gates and his wife, and the Western media completely ignored the scandal.

The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation conducted unauthorized clinical trials on some of India’s poorest and most vulnerable children, exposing them to untold harm. Neither the children nor their parents were told about the risks involved, and it was also never disclosed that the jabs were part of a clinical trial.

As to be expected, many of the children became seriously ill or died, thanks to Gates. A parliamentary committee that was charged with investigating the scandal determined that the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation committed egregious “child abuse,” presenting a raft of evidence to support this serious claim.

The mainstream media here in the West, however, ignored the scandal completely. Very few Americans, save for those who read independent media, had any clue at the time that the Gateses were involved in yet another eugenics program targeting innocent children.

Bill and Melinda Gates purchased millions in Merck stock right when Gardasil was being tested on poor third world children

This is just one of many cases of human rights violations committed by Gates under the guise of “philanthropy.” Between 1995 and May 2021, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has awarded some $2.5 billion to a Seattle-based NGO called “PATH” (formerly the Program for Appropriate Technology in Health) that has carried out similar clinical trials on children.

Also funded heavily by the United States government, PATH led a human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine trial back in 2009 that it claimed could “generate and disseminate evidence for informed public sector introduction of HPV vaccines.” As you may recall from that time, Gardasil was all the rage among the eugenicists.

Four countries were given the experimental HPV injection: India, Uganda, Peru, and Vietnam. By testing the shot across multiple ethnic groups at one time, the companies aiming to corner the HPV injection market at the time hoped to accelerate the approval process and gain fast profits.

“The immunisation programs of the countries involved provided a potentially lucrative market for the companies whose drugs were to be studied: should the drugs prove successful and be included on these countries’ state-funded national immunisation schedules, this would represent an annual windfall of profits for the companies involved,” reports Off Guardian.

As it so happens, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation was heavily invested at the time in Merck & Co., the creator of Gardasil. Gates and his then-wife, via their “charity,” had purchased about $205 million worth of stocks in Merck just prior to when the company started testing its jab on poor children in third world countries.

Conveniently, the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation sold off all its Merck shares just as the trials were starting. In effect, the non-profit “charity” raked in windfall profits as third-world children, who were none the wiser as to the agenda at play, started getting sick and dying from the injections.

Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation partially owns Pfizer, BioNTech

At least since 2002, such conflicts of interest have been a hallmark of the way the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation does business. The conflicts of interest became apparent once again this past year with the advent of the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) which, as intended, generated billions more in profit for Bill and Melinda Gates.

Many people are unaware of it, but the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation is a partial owner of numerous vaccine manufacturers, including Pfizer and BioNTech, which produces one of the two available mRNA injections for the Chinese Virus. The “charity” is also part owner of CureVac.

While normally Bill and Melinda Gates would test out one of their new experimental injections on third world children, the experimental Pfizer-BioNTech injection was rushed into widespread use right here in the United States through Donald Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” scheme.

The shot has not been formally approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) because it is still being trialed right out in the open as a “cure” for the Wuhan Flu. Time will tell what the long-term effects are of this latest Bill and Melinda Gates cash cow injection.

This is just a small sampling of the many, many illicit vaccine projects that Bill and Melinda Gates have been involved with and profited from over the many years that they have been pushing their eugenics agenda. A more in-depth analysis can be found at this link.

“What a bunch of criminals, literally, that we have at the top deciding for our life,” wrote one commenter at Off Guardian, aghast that Bill and Melinda Gates have been allowed to get away with as much as they have for decades.

“You see the scheme? Pharmaceutical companies make business deals with corrupt members of governments of poor countries, who wouldn’t mind cashing in, obnubilated they are with the ‘advanced West,’ at the expense of their own blood, for products rejected elsewhere.”

More of the latest news about what Bill and Melinda Gates are up to these days can be found at

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