America’s Frontline Doctors warn that covid vaccinated can transmit “spike proteins” into the air

(Planet Today) In the live experiment currently being conducted on humanity, it doesn’t matter whether you are in the vaccinated group or the unvaccinated control group. No one will remain 100 percent unaffected. The new, gene-altering technology being rolled out by pharmaceutical companies will affect everyone’s life at some point or another due to “occupational exposure.” Just as second-hand smoke negatively affects the lungs of people who choose not to smoke, so does the new gene-altering vaccination technology “shed” into the environment, negatively affecting people who do not choose to vaccinate.

(Article by Lance D Johnson republished from

America’s Frontline Doctors warn that the “spike proteins” being manufactured in the cells of the vaccinated will inevitably “shed” from their body, transmitting to the environment and attaching to the cells of close contacts. Pfizer’s own study design had a monitoring system to watch for serious adverse events in people who were merely exposed to the vaccinated test subjects. Close contacts who were monitored for 24 hours included anyone who had sexual intercourse with a test subject, anyone who was pregnant or breastfeeding nearby the vaccinated. Close contacts also included anyone exposed to “inhalation” or “skin to skin” contact with the vaccinated test subjects.

Everyone is being affected, directly or indirectly, by the experimental vaccine technology

Whether it’s the new mRNA coronavirus vaccines (by Pfizer, Moderna) or the adenovirus-vectored coronavirus vaccines (by Johnson & Johnson, AstraZeneca), the gene-altering experiment effectively creates vaccine technology inside the cells of humans, hijacking their natural protein synthesis and replacing it with instructions for spike protein replication. The decision to vaccinate with experimental technology and turn one’s cells into “spike protein” factories ultimately affects other people, including the unvaccinated people, whose bodies must now fend off an influx of foreign spike proteins from their environment.

Once the mRNA program is installed in human cells, the durability of this spike protein replication technology is unknown. As these spike proteins evade immune cells, the potential for transmission of spike proteins through skin, blood, semen, breast milk, sweat, or breath depends upon the responsiveness of the vaccinated individual’s immune cells and the durability of the technology as it hijacks natural physiological functions.

Frontline doctors warn of neurological damage, reproductive harms, and transmission of spike proteins

America’s Frontline Doctors have brought forth vast amounts of evidence of vaccine injury in the report titled, “Identifying Post-vaccination Complications & Their Causes: an Analysis of Covid-19 Patient Data.” The doctors report the experimental mRNA vaccine technology, encased in lipid nano-particles, has the capacity to pass through the blood brain barrier, causing neurological damage. “There simply has not been enough time to know what brain problems and how often a brain problem will develop from that,” the document warns.

Because the lipid nano-particles have the capability to fuse with brain cells, the potential for delayed neurodegenerative disease exists. This inflammatory penetration has already led to “chronic inflammation and thrombosis (clotting) in the neurological system, contributing to tremors, chronic lethargy, stroke, Bell’s Palsy and ALS-type symptoms.” There is also evidence that vaccine-induced spike proteins are up to twenty times more durable binding to brain tissue than spike proteins from the original bio-weapon.

There is also concern that the spike proteins cause inflammation in the reproductive system of women, interfering with important protein synthesis that’s needed for healthy menstrual cycles. Moreover, if spike proteins are not neutralized by the immune system, they can escape the body of the vaccinated, shedding and attaching to other people in close contact. This can bring about symptoms of inflammation or infection in unvaccinated adults and children. “AFLDS is aware of thousands of reports involving vaginal bleeding, post-menopausal vaginal bleeding, and miscarriages following COVID-19 vaccination as well as anecdotal reports of similar adverse events among those in close contact with the vaccinated.”

There have been tens of thousands of vaccine injuries reported in just a few months, dwarfing the number of vaccine injuries for all other vaccines, but the national media and the CDC only bring attention to a handful of blood clotting cases with the Johnson and Johnson vaccine. This represents a criminal dereliction of duty on behalf of the FDA and the CDC. The agencies that were supposed to protect the public have forgone adequate medical research and destroyed informed consent, brushing away thousands of deaths, while thrusting a holocaust onward.

For more on this subject, tune into a podcast by the Health Ranger, titled “Vaccinated people are making healthy people sick.”

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