MSN exaggerates MMS risks with false headline but downplays COVID-19 vaccine dangers

(Planet-Today) When MSN recently reported on a family who ran into legal trouble after selling an alternative health product known as Miracle Mineral Solution, or MMS, they used a headline that falsely claimed the treatment was bleach and spent part of the article warning about how risky it is. They claim it killed seven people, which is tragic, and yet the same outlet doesn’t feel the need to tell the public about the thousands of people who are dying at the hands of COVID-19 vaccines.

(Article by Cassie B. republished from

The article reports on Mark Grenon and his sons, Jonathan, Jordan and Joseph, who sold MMS to customers through their Genesis Church II, even after a court ordered that sales be halted. When Jonathan and Jordan Grenon were arrested in July, federal agents raided their home and found 10,000 pounds of sodium chlorite powder and thousands of bottles of MMS.

Meanwhile, Mark and Joseph Grenon are in Colombia, where they were detained this summer. They are each facing a count of conspiracy to commit fraud along with two counts of criminal contempt. They could be sentenced to life in prison if convicted. When Jonathan and Jordan were arrested, Genesis II Church’s bank accounts were also seized, which means the church cannot access its own funds to use them for their legal defense. The government, of course, has unlimited funds, so this family will likely be fighting a losing battle.

MSN’s coverage of this story, which appeared under the headline, “Bradenton family may spend life in prison after ‘church’ sold bleach as COVID-19 cure” is misleading and biased. MMS contains chlorine dioxide, which is not, as the MSN headline claims, bleach. The liquid bleach you find on store shelves is usually sodium hypochlorite, but the mainstream media never lets facts get in the way of promoting narratives that support their Big Pharma sponsors.

Chlorine dioxide kills pathogens using oxygen, and the EPA has recognized it as a water treatment solution. Proponents say that it can relieve COVID-19 symptoms such as hypoxia, or a lack of oxygen, by filling the blood with usable oxygen. The FDA maintains that MMS transforms into bleach upon consumption and is therefore dangerous, although it’s worth noting that MMS is cheap and easy to make and is a direct competitor to the solutions from major pharmaceutical companies whose profits the FDA has always worked to protect. By the way, this is also the same FDA that claims being injected with chemotherapy toxins is safe.

In their coverage, MSN even managed to work in a mention of how President Trump once made comments about the possibility of disinfectant injections helping COVID-19 patients in the early days of the virus; the mainstream media never misses an opportunity to take his words out of context and make him look bad.

The Grenon family reportedly earned more than $1 million selling MMS, which they marketed as a cure for COVID-19 and other medical conditions such as HIV, Alzheimer’s disease and cancer. The FDA claims that it has received several reports of life-threatening conditions and hospitalizations from people who drank the solution, with at least seven people dying after ingesting it.

MSN happily covers 7 deaths from MMS, but thousands of deaths from COVID-19 vaccines are swept under the rug

All loss of life is tragic, and we do not want to minimize the deaths of these seven individuals in any way. But why is the mainstream media so quick to report on these deaths while continuing to downplay and largely ignore the fact that thousands of people are dying and getting sick from COVID-19 ‘vaccines’?

More than 56,000 adverse events have been reported thus far due to the jabs, and it’s a widely known fact that most adverse events go unreported, so the real number is likely far higher. On top of that, 2,342 deaths and 7,971 serious injuries have been reported since the middle of December alone. Why aren’t MSN and other mainstream outlets doing more to inform the public about this? The number of people getting COVID-19 vaccines is exponentially greater than the number of people taking MMS, so if MSN really cared about keeping the public informed, they would provide them with accurate information about the damage this vaccine is causing people around the world.

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