Following psycho-terrorism playbook, mainstream media pivots back from coronavirus fearmongering to climate hysteria

(Planet Today) Now that tens of millions of Americans are well beyond the point of burnout from all the endless Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) fearmongering, the mainstream media is once again pivoting back to churning out hysteria about so-called “climate change.”

(Article by Ethan Huff republished from

The latest TIME magazine cover shows the entire planet on fire along with the caption: “Climate is Everything.” Below that, the words “How the pandemic can lead us to a better, greener world” reveal the true purpose behind the plandemic agenda.

A full-length piece inside the issue that was penned by climate doom-monger Justin Worland, TIME‘s senior correspondent, is even more ridiculous than the cover. Worland insists that everything truly is about the climate, and that the entire world needs to change in order to prevent global warming and other associated catastrophes.

“[S]purred by alarming science, growing public fury and a deadly pandemic, government officials, corporate bosses and civil-society leaders are finally waking up to a simple idea whose time has come: climate is everything,” Worland writes.

“It’s the economy stupid,” Worland adds, quoting Democrat strategist James Carville’s famous statement. “[A]s the effects of climate change increasingly shape economic outcomes, we may soon be saying, ‘It’s the climate, stupid.”

In other words, Worland is telling TIME‘s readers – are there any, anymore? – that the Chinese virus is not so much an actual virus as it is a catalyst to transform the entire world into the image of what the climate apologists have been pushing for since at least the 1970s.

To learn more about the climate agenda and the deception surrounding it, visit

Scientists from MIT, Princeton say there is no climate emergency

Worland must have missed the recent exposé from scientists at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and Princeton University, which basically declares the so-called “climate emergency” to be a total hoax.

Meteorologist Richard Lindzen and physicist William Happer say plainly in their piece that there is no climate emergency, and that Americans “should not be stampeded into a disastrous climate crusade.”

“A climate crusade that destroys economies and ultimately lives will be as bad, or worse [than the medieval crusades],” they add, completely debunking the lies told by the likes of Worland.

Worland, on the other hand, wants everyone to be stampeded into a new world order centered around the false notion that the planet is collapsing due to use of fossil fuels. He says U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Marcia Fudge should be praised for “working to infuse climate considerations into everything [Resident Joe Biden’s] administration does.”

The Biden regime’s “intertwining of the economy and climate change promises to shape global politics and society for the foreseeable future.”

A laughable irony with all this is that 47 years ago, TIME magazine tried to scare its readers about an impending global catastrophe from global cooling. It was the year 1974, in fact, when TIME tried to peddle the false narrative that the “trend” of global cooling showed “no signs of reversing” any time soon.

“Telltale signs are everywhere – from the unexpected persistence and thickness of pack ice in the waters around Iceland to the southward migration of a warmth-loving creature like the armadillo from the Midwest,” TIME‘s fake news writers contended.

Worland was passed the baton, except this time we are all supposed to be scared of the planet warming rather than cooling. In fact, just last year Worland warned TIME readers that we have “one last chance” to save the planet, presumably by dumping fossil fuels, buying electric cars, and eating fake meat made from genetically modified (GMO) poisons.

“Worland appeared to champion how the pandemic shifted conversations toward climate change and led governments to infuse policy-making with eco-extremist nonsense,” writes Joseph Vazquez for Newsbusters.

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