The Georgia Guidestones: The Sinister American Wonder

Every year, thousands of Americans travel the world in search of mysterious wonders. Whether it be the Pyramids in Egypt, the giant stone heads of Easter Island, or the fascinating construct that is the United Kingdom’s Stonehenge; people make personal pilgrimages just to stare and wonder: Where did that come from? They ask aloud and speculate: Who created this?

Little do they know, a mystery just as interesting sits right in their backyard, because in the small county of Elbert, Georgia stands an epic granite structure that has been called “America’s Stonehenge”, and is possibly of “deep satanic origin”. A structure that is theorized to be tied to everyone from the Freemasons, to the Rosicrucians, to the New World Order.

Whose influence has been marked halfway around the world, and is thought by many to be a harbinger of the apocalypse. Yet it’s a structure whose origins still remain shrouded in mystery despite being created thirty years ago.

What is this structure? They are the “Georgia Guidestones”, and what little information we have, we are going to share with you in “The Georgia Guidestones: The Sinister American Wonder”.

Before we can delve into the mystery of the Guidestone’s origins, let us first understand exactly what the Guidestones are. Erected in 1980, under aforementioned mysterious conditions, by the Elberton Granite Finishing Company, the Guidestones are located at the highest point in Elberton County and are technically owned by the County itself.

With foundations included, the monument stands almost twenty feet tall, and is made up of four slabs surrounding one in the center, with a capstone placed on top of them. Another tablet lays set in the ground to the direct west of the main structure.

The size and structure, and in fact almost everything about the guidestones seems to have some significance, but what’s written on them is the most important thing.

Each face of the vertical stones contains a list of what appear to be guidelines for society, written in one of eight languages (English, Spanish, Swahili, Hindi, Hebrew, Arabic, Chinese, and Russian) with a smaller message, “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason” written on the sides of the capstone in four ancient languages (Babylonian, Classical Greek, Sanskrit, and Egyptian Hieroglyphs). The guidelines enscribed on the main stones are:

1. Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.

2. Guide reproduction wisely — improving fitness and diversity.

3. Unite humanity with a living new language.

4. Rule passion — faith — tradition — and all things with tempered reason.

5. Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.

6. Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.

7. Avoid petty laws and useless officials.

8. Balance personal rights with social duties.

9. Prize truth — beauty — love — seeking harmony with the infinite.

10. Be not a cancer on the Earth — Leave room for nature — Leave room for nature.

The tablet that sits on the ground to the west contains information such as the date the structure was erected (March 22, 1980), it’s dimensions and weight, once again the message of, “Let these be guidestones to an Age of Reason”, and a list of “Astronomic Features” that reads:

1. Channel through stone indicates celestial pole. 2. Horizontal slot indicates annual travel of sun. 3. Sunbeam through capstone marks noontime throughout the year. Another inscription indicates plans for a time capsule that has not yet been planted. The ground layed tablet also includes the source of the guidestones greatest mysteries : Two inscriptions, one reading “Sponsors: A small group of Americans who seek the Age of Reason.”, and another reading “Author: R.C. Christian (a pseudonyn)” [sic].

Now that you know exactly what the guidestones are, when they were erected, and where they are, you can begin to ask yourself the all important “Who?” and “Why?”. Who is “R.C. Christian? Who are these Americans that seek an “Age of Reason”? Why did they really place the guidestones?

At first look, the Guidestones are a granite structure made up of five huge tablets (erected on a hill in Eberton, Georgia) which feature a list of ten messages, apparently about the nature of running a society, inscribed in multiple world languages.

However, as interesting as the mere existence of these mysterious tablets are, the mystery behind them is even more fascinating and to truly start to speculate as to the meaning of the structure, we must recount the story of R.C. Christian and the construction of the Guidestones.

Constructing the tablets.

The mystery of the Georgia Guidestones begins in the offices of Elberton Granite Finishing, where on a summer day in 1979, a well dressed older gentleman, who no one in Elberton had ever laid eyes on before, walked in and had an interesting project for company president Joe Fendley: a large astronomically aligned structure consisting of stones larger than any that had been quarried in the county before, and cut to very exact specifications.

The mystery man called himself R.C. Christian, and claimed that he represented a “small group of loyal Americans.” Of course, Fendley was taken aback by the huge undertaking that had just crossed his desk, so he asked the question that is still being asked to this day: What’s the purpose of the structure? Christian’s answer, although not exact, shed some of the only light on the mystery that we have to this day.

He said the structure would serve as a compass, a calendar, and a clock, that it would be engraved with a set of guides in eight of the world’s major languages, and most tellingly, that it would have to be capable of withstanding any major catastrophic event, so that what remained of society after such an event, would be able to use those guides to rebuild a society better than the one that they had survived.

Fendley posing with his work

Thinking that Christian was nothing more than a nutcase with a well practiced schtick, Fendley attempted to deflect him by explaining that he couldn’t take on such a project without a guarantee that it would be funded.

In response, Christian requested that he be sent to the most trustworthy banker that Fendley knew. Fendley sent him to local Bank President, Wyatt Martin, a man who would come to know R.C. Christian better than anyone else on record.

Just like Fendley before him, Martin thought at first that Christian was a crazy person, but his fancy suit and well spoken demeanor soon began to sway his opinion of his new client, and he was intrigued and even further drawn in when Christian admitted that his name was merely a pseudonym.

Soon after their first meeting, the two would agree that Martin would be privy to Christian’s real name and info for legal purposes, but that he would sign an agreement to never share what he knew, and that he would serve as an intermediary for Christian in all matters concerning the Guidestone’s construction from then on.

Shortly after, as money for the Guidestones started coming in from banks all over the country (Christian did this to insure that his identity couldn’t be traced) Martin and Fendley helped Christian secure the land for his project, and with that, the construction and eventual existence of the Guidestones was set in stone (no pun intended.)

Fendley saw Christian just one more time, as he came by the office to drop off specifications and a model for the project, leaving without even shaking the granite man’s hand; only saying, “You’ll never see me again” as he walked out. He wasn’t lying; Fendley, and for that matter nobody in Elberton, would ever see R.C. Christian again, except for Wyatt Martin.

So goes the story of the construction of one of America’s great mysteries, but the story doesn’t end with the Guidestone’s going up (which they did in March of 1980), or with Christian eventually signing over the land that housed the stones to the county (he suspected, rightfully since they still stand to this day, that civic pride would insure the stones stay up).

In fact, the story of the Georgia Guidestones remaining chapters are still being written…in pencil, with an eraser always handy as speculation about what they really represent and who R.C. Christian really was constantly swirls. What theories have all this speculation led to?

Commissioned by a man calling himself R.C. Christian, the stones seem to be guidelines for the rebuilding of society in a post-apocalyptic world. It seems that one of the most mysterious things about these apparent guidelines for humanity’s rebirth is who exactly R.C. Christian is.

The main clues we have as to his identity are a stone sculpture of suspect origin and the memories of an old friend; who this evidence points to will surprise you.

It is entirely possible that the face of R.C. Christian stares down at the residents of Elberton County, Georgia every day. Alongside the Elberton Country Civic Center sits a granite bust supposedly depicting former President Franklin D. Roosevelt.

However, the bust was destroyed in 1995 and upon reconstruction took on a form that looks nothing like FDR. Many think that the new bust whose subject wears a suit and tie adorned with strange symbols is the work of R.C. Christian and may in fact be a depiction of the man himself or one of his associates. However, no one can confirm oat r deny this because there appears to be no one alive that knows the face of R.C. Christian… except for Wyatt Martin.

To this day, there remains one person within the known canon of the Georgia Guidestones that knows the true identity of R.C. Christian, and that is former bank president Wyatt Martin. According to Martin himself, after the construction of the monument was complete, he remained in correspondence with Christian via letters sent from all over the world, hearing from him so often the two became “pen pals.”

They’d also occasionally meet for friendly dinners when Christian was near Elberton (Christian would call him from the Atlanta Airport and they’d meet in Athens). This continued up until about ten years ago (around the time of the 9/11 attacks), when Christian stopped writing. Martin estimates his friend would have been in his eighties by then and probably passed away.

However, even with Christian’s apparent demise Martin refuses to break the promise he made to the mystery man, and won’t divulge his identity or share whatever info and documents he still has in his possession. However, this does not mean that there is no speculation about Christian’s identity.

It appears that the number one candidate for being R.C. Christian is Ted Turner. Yes, that Ted Turner; the Ted Turner that owns all of those media outlets and The Atlanta Braves. Although Turner doesn’t fit the age bracket theorized by Martin, many other factors have lead conspiracy theorists to believe that Turner is the man behind the guidestones.

First and foremost is the long-standing rumor of Turner’s involvement in a “New World Order” movement which when combined with his massive wealth and his very public interest in the state of Georgia (he bases all of his businesses out of there) puts him at the top of the short list of candidates for R.C. Christian.

Strengthening the case is an interview in which Turner went on record saying, “a total population of 250-300 million people, a 95% decline from present levels, would be ideal” a statement that echos the most sinister of rules written on the guidestones (rule number one) which some have interpreted as a call for genocide.

Next we have Turner’s well-documented crusade to “save the planet” – a crusade which includes his promotion of biofuels and his efforts to end global warming (both of which he relates to the aforementioned over-population of the world) as well as his creation of a children’s cartoon (Captain Planet) which aimed to promote environmental awareness.

Finally, we have an interview with Wyatt Martin in which he was asked about both his relationship with Ted Turner and the identity of R.C. Christian. He readily admitted to having a relationship with, and being fond of Turner and flatly denied the other candidates involvement (including Fendley.) However, when asked if Turner was R.C. Christian, Martin was “stunned” and nervously denied Turner’s involvement.

The face of R.C. Christian?

Could it be that Martin’s claims of Christian’s death are merely him covering up for his high-profile friend? With Martin’s now advanced age, we may never know, but R.C. Christian’s true identity aside, we come to the question of who he represents. Who is this “small group of loyal Americans” and what are their intentions?

To put it simply, they’re believed to be Rosicrucians, and they intend to restart the world.

It’s commonly thought that the man calling himself R.C. Christian, the same man directly responsible for the creation of the guidestones, did so in homage to Christian Rosenkruez. Rosenkruez was the founder of the mystical theology known as Rosicrucianism.

Christian Rosenkruez was once known as “Frater C.R.C.”, so when you combine his two names, you get “R.C. Christian”. Furthermore, R.C. Christian is thought to be a high ranking Rosicrucian (a follower of The Order of the Rosy Cross, the secret society at the heart of Rosicrucianism).

Rosicrucians originated in medieval Germany, and claim to have an understanding of the esoteric truths of nature, the universe, and the spirit world (which they believe have been concealed from the rest of us). Although the rules set forth by the guidestones seem to conflict with Christianity and other western religions, they conform well with the tenets of Rosicrucianism, which stress reason and living in harmony with nature.

Assuming that the guidestones are in fact a Rosicrucian mechanism, then it’s been further theorized that they are a harbinger of an apocalypse that The Order of the Rosey Cross knows about. It’s believed that the group knows about a solar cycle that climaxes every 13,000 years, during which large CMEs (coronal mass ejections, which are basically bursts of solar wind, or large bursts of energy) will reportedly destroy most of the earth.

It’s further believed, that in correlation with the impending catastrophic events, the Rosicrucians are working behind the scenes to create a state of worldwide panic that began with the collapse of the US financial system and will culminate in disruptions of worldwide oil and food supplies, mass rioting, race wars, and states of marshal law.

This is all being done in order to insure that the population that survives the coming apocalypse will be low in number. After this cleansing and whittling down of humanity, the Rosicrucians believe that the Guidestones will act as a sort of new “Ten Commandments” for the rebuilding world to follow, thus recreating society as they want it.

Adding further fuel to the fire of speculation that the guidestones were erected with evil intentions is a mathematical connection between them and Dubai’s Burj Khalifa, the tallest building in the world. Decoding of the measurements of the the guidestones led to the date of the death of the Emir that preceded the one that got the Burj built, the date the building was completed, and the exact height of the building.

This evidence has lead to a belief that the Burj is the Rosicrucian’s completion of a modern day Tower of Babel, a creation that in the bible is said to have been halted for reasons the Rosicrucians interpret as being related to man becoming too much like god.

To pull this all together, theorists believe that the guidestones foretold the Burj, and the Burj is part of a plan to ascend to god-like status, put forth by the Order of the Rosey Cross.

So is it true? Are the guidestones at the heart of a conspiracy to usher in the apocalypse and recreate the world? Put forth by a group that intends to “defeat god”?

Now it would be easy to dismiss this all as just more “New World Order” conspiracy theory, but the fact remains: The Georgia Guidestones are as real as you and I, and until someone comes forward and explains why they were built, all signs point to sinister intentions.

Author: Manny N. Black, source:

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