KGB Secret Files: UFO crash near Sverdlovsk in 1968

For a long time, the topic of UFOs was strictly classified in the USSR. Some enthusiasts who were distributing materials from foreign media about UFOs were invited to the KGB, where they were accused of almost anti-Soviet agitation.

But the most interesting thing is that in the depths of the KGB itself there was a special unit that collected and systematized all information not only from the USSR, but also from all over the world about mysterious and unidentified phenomena.

After the Soviet Union collapsed, former KGB officers began selling classified documents and archival videos to Western media.

All the materials say that in 1968 the KGB managed to get at its disposal either a disaster, or a downed air defense “flying saucer” of extraterrestrial origin, discovered in the Urals near the city of Berezniki. The UFO crash site was found and the apparatus itself, as well as its pilot fell into the hands of the military and the KGB.

The corpse of the humanoid who controlled the alien apparatus was comprehensively examined in the anatomy department of the Moscow Medical Institute. Semashko.

In the newspaper “Vecherny Sverdlovsk” on November 29, 1968, an article was published in which witnesses of the incident claimed that before their eyes some “shiny ball in the form of a disk” either landed or fell on a steep snow-covered slope.

Films from the secret KGB archives show the arrival of a military unit at this place in army all-terrain vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

The soldiers began to carefully comb the area. Further, you can see how a military man with a general’s shoulder straps and “two in civilian clothes” give some orders to people in army uniforms.

The military walk along the virgin snow, gradually approaching a bright silver object in the form of a convex disk, lying on an edge and half peeping out of the snow. The snow did not thaw around it, the trees did not suffer when it landed, which would have happened if an earthly aircraft had landed.

Experts on military issues of the former USSR confirm that the military, Kalashnikov assault rifles, and transport – ZIS-151 and GAZ – are from that time.

The operation to locate and capture the UFO was codenamed “Myth”. Numerous documents of the KGB classified as “secret” speak of its successful completion.

In addition, incredible footage of the anatomical autopsy of a small and grayish humanoid body was found in the KGB archive. His very thin torso, part of a long thin arm and a head resembling a monkey with close-set eyes are clearly visible. Anatomical scientists are convinced that all these signs are not characteristic of a person of any race and age.

There is a photocopy of the order of the Minister of Defense of those years to the commander of the Ural Military District, General A.G. Ponomarenko that KGB officers should be present at all stages of UFO detection. Their reports were put on the table of the head of the scientific department of the KGB, Colonel A.I. Grigoriev. The documents name not only the scientific institution where the anatomical dissection of the humanoid was carried out, but also the names of the doctors – Kamyshov, Savitsky and Gordienko.

For some inexplicable reason, they all died suddenly on the same day – March 24, 1969, i.e. exactly one week after the completion of the autopsy – who is at work, who is at home.

What other evidence that our planet is visited by representatives of alien civilizations is needed for humanity to finally recognize this fact?

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