Deadline is approaching for Pentagon to release UFO report

A FOX News report with John Ratcliffe, who served as director of national intelligence under former President Trump, referred to a government investigation into the UFO phenomenon and stated that the military has much more evidence than has been exposed to the public.

Military fixations of strange objects performing impossible maneuvers in the skies around the world, which have reportedly been spotted and witnessed by the Navy, Air Force, and even tracked via satellites, have never stopped.

The interview answers some questions about unidentified flying objects, but also opens up a lot more questions.

Everyone is eagerly awaiting the report of the Task Force on Unidentified Aerial Events and the Department of Defense to be presented to the US Congress.

Are the objects a threat? Are UFOs piloted by aliens? Do aliens visit Earth?

It’s important to note that while some expect UFOs to be revealed to the general public, the mystery of UFOs in our planet’s skies will likely not be revealed once the report is published, but in fact could trigger further investigations that could get more attention from executives in Washington to draw attention to what many are calling for, namely a more transparent investigation of sightings, especially those who are witnesses in the Armed Forces.

With that being said, given some of the comments made by John Ratcliffe, members of Congress have already been briefed on various aspects of this phenomenon and may have been alerted to some form of established threat identification.

UFOs have been observed repeatedly, penetrating restricted military and reserved commercial airspace, tracked on radar and witnessed by reliable sources.

This interview seems to hint at what we can expect in the next 60 days of important information disclosure, but more importantly, it takes the topic out of the forbidden realm where it has been for years and the public wants to know the truth!

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