50% of All Colon Cancer Cases Can Be Avoided If We Stay Away from These 9 Things

Colon cancer today is one of the most common forms of cancer among men and women.
Colon growth is a malignancy of the internal organ (colon), which is the last piece of your stomach related tract. Most instances of colon disease start as little, noncancerous (considerate) bunches of cells called adenomatous polyps. After some time a portion of these polyps can move toward becoming colon diseases.

Polyps might be little and create hardly any, an indication.

Despite the fact that many people use various natural remedies and medications that help them, and many claims to prevent this wicked disease, medical experts are often skeptical about them and claim that there has not yet been enough research to confirm that it is really the case.

On the other hand, there are various studies published in various medical journals, and one of them is research by scientists from the University of Adelaide, Australia. They have discovered that lauric acid, which makes up 50 percent of coconut oil, destroys more than 93 percent of colon cancer in humans after only 48 hours of treatment.

Interestingly, lauric acid poisoned cancer cells by causing oxidative stress at the same time, while significantly reducing the level of glutathione (which is required by cancer cells to protect against oxidative stress). The experiments were carried out in vitro in Petri dishes, but also in vivo on rats, showing the same effect.

Lauric acid is also found in breast milk, and it is a fatty acid that supports the immune system and has antimicrobial properties. A lot of ponders by the American Society for Nutrition has demonstrated that coconut oil fats “can be valuable in the treatment and anticipation of conditions, for example, diabetes, osteoporosis, viral maladies (mononucleosis, hepatitis C, herpes …), illnesses of the liver, Crohn’s sickness and disease.”

It has been proven that coconut oil reduces the side effects of chemo and improves the quality of life of patients with cancer.

Genetics are the cause of 5-10% of all colon cancers, an unhealthy diet causes 35% of colon cancers while smoking and infections cause 30% and 20% accordingly. Colon cancer can also be influenced by some of the following factors:
Not enough fruits and veggies

Vegetables and fruits are rich in antioxidants and magnesium which reduce the risk of colon cancer significantly. They also abound in phytochemicals which can help reduce tissue inflammation and remove cancerous substances from your body. So if you want to protect yourself from colon cancer start eating more fresh veggies and fruits.

Colon cancer can also be influenced by some of the following factors:


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