Do You Have Skin Blemishes, Stains Or Age Spots? This Is The Best Home Remedy To Remove Them!

Skin blemishes, stains and age spots are usually very visible during summer. This period of the year brings the best and the worst of our body. You can remove all of them naturally and simple. It is very normal that in our skin begin to appear spots as we turn out years due to both their own age and genetics, continued exposure to the sun and lack of vitamins and minerals as a result of eating not as healthy as we should carry and/or lack of care towards our skin.
Skin blemishes or stains are rarely dangerous to health, however, they can be unsightly, so you may want to remove them from your skin. In today’s article, we will know a simple remedy based on olive oil, parsley, and carrot that can help us achieve this goal. Read on and find out how to do it easily at home:
Homemade cream to remove age spots and skin blemishes
In a glass container add 3 carrots peeled, washed and cut into pieces. Add also a good handful of chopped parsley and half a liter of olive oil. Close the container and let it macerate for a full month in a dark place where it does not give the sunlight. Shake the bowl daily so that all ingredients are mixed well.
After the month, strain the olive oil and save it in a closed bottle. Massage every day the area where the spots are that you want to eliminate until they disappear.
Is this remedy effective against skin blemishes?
The truth is that yes, it is a highly effective remedy, but do not expect results after two days. If you are constant in your application you will see how little by little your spots will be attenuating.
To make this homemade lotion we have used carrots for their richness in beta-carotene, natural antioxidants that help us protect our skin from oxidative damage, as well as parsley and olive oil, highly nutritive and moisturizing ingredients that help us prevent cellular aging, combat wrinkles, reduce skin spots and improve the appearance of the skin providing brightness and lightness in a healthy, simple and completely natural.

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