Ever had a dream that seemed to come true? Explore the science of precognitive dreaming and learn techniques on how to tap into your psychic abilities.
Prophetic dreams have been recorded throughout history, some by famous names such as Tuthmosis IV, an Egyptian Pharaoh; President Abraham Lincoln; and Edgar Cayce, “The Sleeping Prophet.”
Can dreams really predict the future? History and science have proven that the ability to sense or glimpse the future does exist, but they have yet to discover the how and why.
The Brain and Precognition
One of the problems science has encountered in trying to find proof that precognitive ability truly exists, is that in order to predict the future, one must somehow defy the concept of linear time. Albert Einstein theorized that the past, present, and future are all an illusion.
To understand this, one must also understand how the human brain works. The conscious mind seeks to compartmentalize information in a never-ending quest to have things in their nice, neat place.
The subconscious mind, however, realizes that there are no boundaries, and reaches past the illusion of confinement and time.
Brain scans show that premonitions manifest from the portion of the brain that controls emotions. In someone more developed, the visual cortex may also become engaged and a person can receive more details of the vision.
Recent studies have shown that creative individuals display higher accuracy rates in precognitive tests.
Frequency and Resonance
Some humans and animals are able to sense an earthquake before it happens. Scientists believe that the shifting of the Earth’s plates creates a frequency that the brain may sometimes be able to detect.
The Earth normally resonates at a frequency of about 7.83 hertz. Someone in tune with the frequency could sense a disruption.
It’s the frequency theory that may hold the key. During sleep, the subconscious, now free of the clutter of an active mind, can harness the emotional and intuitive portions of the brain and “tune in” to other frequencies. Could time have a frequency as well?
Studies seem to suggest that people who regularly participate in mental disciplines such as meditation and yoga, also score highly on precognitive tests, much like the creative group mentioned earlier.
Learning to free the mind of ‘noise’ seems to be a large part of harmonizing the psychic frequencies.
Psychic Dreams
So why do precognitive dreams happen? Perhaps it is part of the survival mechanism that seeks to warn of events yet to occur. There are many accounts of people making last-minute travel changes due to a warning received in a dream, but there are also accounts of dreams foretelling unavoidable accidents as well.
Can precognitive dreams be triggered? Perhaps, through the practice of lucid dreaming, they can. Lucid dreaming is a technique where the dreamer is aware that they are in a dream. Once aware, it may be possible to control the direction of information within the dream.
So how can one tell if a dream is ordinary or extraordinary? Repetitive dreams, extremely detailed dreams, or sometimes the visualizations of a clock or calendar within the dream have been reported by persons who have had precognitive dreams.
How can you have one? Keep a dream journal and record vivid or startling dreams that you may have. Pay particular attention to your feelings as you go over the details. Try to pin down any clues that may determine when a dream is precognitive in nature. And get plenty of sleep.
Prophetic dreams have been recorded throughout history, some by famous names such as Tuthmosis IV, an Egyptian Pharaoh; President Abraham Lincoln; and Edgar Cayce, “The Sleeping Prophet.”
Can dreams really predict the future? History and science have proven that the ability to sense or glimpse the future does exist, but they have yet to discover the how and why.
The Brain and Precognition
One of the problems science has encountered in trying to find proof that precognitive ability truly exists, is that in order to predict the future, one must somehow defy the concept of linear time. Albert Einstein theorized that the past, present, and future are all an illusion.
To understand this, one must also understand how the human brain works. The conscious mind seeks to compartmentalize information in a never-ending quest to have things in their nice, neat place.
The subconscious mind, however, realizes that there are no boundaries, and reaches past the illusion of confinement and time.
Brain scans show that premonitions manifest from the portion of the brain that controls emotions. In someone more developed, the visual cortex may also become engaged and a person can receive more details of the vision.
Recent studies have shown that creative individuals display higher accuracy rates in precognitive tests.
Frequency and Resonance
Some humans and animals are able to sense an earthquake before it happens. Scientists believe that the shifting of the Earth’s plates creates a frequency that the brain may sometimes be able to detect.
The Earth normally resonates at a frequency of about 7.83 hertz. Someone in tune with the frequency could sense a disruption.
It’s the frequency theory that may hold the key. During sleep, the subconscious, now free of the clutter of an active mind, can harness the emotional and intuitive portions of the brain and “tune in” to other frequencies. Could time have a frequency as well?
Studies seem to suggest that people who regularly participate in mental disciplines such as meditation and yoga, also score highly on precognitive tests, much like the creative group mentioned earlier.
Learning to free the mind of ‘noise’ seems to be a large part of harmonizing the psychic frequencies.
Psychic Dreams
So why do precognitive dreams happen? Perhaps it is part of the survival mechanism that seeks to warn of events yet to occur. There are many accounts of people making last-minute travel changes due to a warning received in a dream, but there are also accounts of dreams foretelling unavoidable accidents as well.
Can precognitive dreams be triggered? Perhaps, through the practice of lucid dreaming, they can. Lucid dreaming is a technique where the dreamer is aware that they are in a dream. Once aware, it may be possible to control the direction of information within the dream.
So how can one tell if a dream is ordinary or extraordinary? Repetitive dreams, extremely detailed dreams, or sometimes the visualizations of a clock or calendar within the dream have been reported by persons who have had precognitive dreams.
How can you have one? Keep a dream journal and record vivid or startling dreams that you may have. Pay particular attention to your feelings as you go over the details. Try to pin down any clues that may determine when a dream is precognitive in nature. And get plenty of sleep.