How To Use DIY Castor Oil Packs For Liver Detox And Break Down Kidney Stones

Castor oil packs can help with the liver detox as well as break those kidney stones that are hurting your body. It has been used for a very long time and now we turn back to the natural medicine our grandparents used. Some of us may remember our parents and grandparents giving us castor oil when we were young.
Then, it was used for colds, constipation, fever, or even worms. Now, though, we know it can do much, much more – including liver detox and kidney stone relief!
Consider the following applications for castor oil – first, oral ingestion uses:
  • Arthritis relief: As castor oil helps flush the lymphatic system, it can help ease arthritic pain in the joints. (Topical applications can also help with arthritic joint pain.)
  • Boosts blood flow: Improved circulation as a result of castor oil can help fight long-term health effects.
  • Boosts immune function: Castor oil improves lymphatic drainage – and increases lymphocyte production.
  • Balances hormones: By improving circulation, castor oil helps detox the blood – helping your body better balance hormones, which can have major health improvement consequences.
  • Digestive health: Castor oil is a mild laxative, and can help your digestive system flush toxins, helping reset your body’s natural digestive balance.
  • Fungal infections: Castor oil is great for fighting fungal infections, both orally and topically. (Topically, apply 1-2 tablespoons gently heated castor oil to affected areas.)
Oral dosage recommendations:
  • Make sure you only use high quality castor oil. It should be pure, cold-pressed, and in a dark bottle.
  • Cheap castor oil can be mixed with chemicals or otherwise processed – and can do more harm than good. Avoid it!
  • Follow package instructions, do not take more than recommended, and do not consume more than seven days consecutively.
  • Always start with low dosages. We recommend no more than 1 tbsp for adults and 1 tsp for children.
  • To make the castor oil more palatable we recommend mixing with juice or milk, or otherwise diluting.
In particular, we recommend using a castor oil liver pack to help the liver detox and break down kidney stones.
While messy, castor oil packs have proven effective to help liver detoxification naturally, break down kidney stones, support uterine and ovarian health, improve lymphatic circulation, increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.
As in any detoxification program, it is very important to eat healthy, drink plenty of water, and for better results to drink freshly-extracted juices to nourish cells back to health.
  • High quality castor oil
  • Lemon essential oil – optional but recommended
  • Washable spa body wrap
  • Heat pad
  • Wool flannel pad or cotton pad or cloth
Moisten flannel or cotton with castor oil. (Add 1-2 drops of lemon essential oil to the castor oil, mix well.)
Place moistened pad/cloth on right side of abdomen, just below rib cage (that’s where your liver is located). If using to detoxify kidneys, put them on your back where both kidneys are located.
Secure the pad in place with the body wrap by wrapping around entire abdomen.
Heat up the heating pad and place it on top of flannel pad.
Lie down and keep the heat pack in place for about an hour.
Because castor oil application can be very messy and difficult to remove, make sure to wear a clean, old garment that you don’t mind getting stained.
A few notes of caution:
As good as castor oil is, always practice safe use especially when using it for the first time.
Test the oil on your wrist before using it, to make sure that you are not allergic.
Do not use too much castor oil, nor too often on your face, as it may clog pores and lead to breakouts.
Pregnant women should avoid taking castor oil orally.

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