Hibernation Will Help With Long-Haul Flights In Space

European Space Agency experts have determined that hibernation or hibernation may be an appropriate way of carrying out long-term manned missions to other planets.

Scientists decided to test how the possibility of hibernation will affect the travel of astronauts to Mars. It turned out that such a technology will help to reduce the size of the interplanetary ship at the expense of living space and reduce the resources. With this in mind, researchers came up with the design of the ship, the weight of which was reduced by three times.

According to scientists, if they could reduce the basic rate of metabolism in astronauts by 75 percent (like bears), it would be possible to save a lot of weight and resources.

However, a long-term decrease in the rate of metabolism in humans is similar to the hibernation of animals at the moment technically unfeasible. At the same time, there are methods in medical practice to reduce body temperature, which can slow down life to save victims of severe injuries.

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