New Study Confirms Alzheimer’s And Aluminum Link Can No Longer Be Ignored

There is a link between Alzheimer`s and aluminum. The truth is coming out and this link can`t be ignored anymore. For a long time now, it has been known that aluminum is a neurotoxin, and the chronic exposure to it causes various neurological diseases, such as autism, dementia, and Parkinson’s disease.
Yet, there is a lack of longitudinal studies to scientifically prove this.
However, a recent study conducted at the Keele University in the UK unequivocally proved that the increased aluminum levels in the brain of an individual exposed to aluminum at work led to his death from Alzheimer’s disease.
This case represents “the first direct link” between Alzheimer’s disease and high aluminum levels in the brain following occupational exposure.
Namely, after 8 years of occupational exposure to aluminum dust, this 66-year-old Caucasian man developed an aggressive form of early onset Alzheimer’s disease, which, according to scientists, “suggests a prominent role for the olfactory system and lungs in the accumulation of aluminum in the brain.”
Yet, research has found high aluminum levels in the tissues of dead people before as well.
For instance, in 2004, elevated aluminum levels were found in the tissues of a British woman who died of early-onset Alzheimer’s, 16 years after an industrial accident dumped 20 metric tons of aluminum sulphate into the local drinking water.
People who work in mines, factories, in agriculture and welding, are at risk of the exposure to aluminum. Moreover, when the nose catches cigarette smoke wafting by, one ingests aluminum vapors.
When one inhales aluminum vapors or dust, they go straight into the lungs, pass into the bloodstream, and are distributed throughout the body.
Aluminum powder leads to pulmonary fibrosis, and aluminum factory workers are susceptible to asthma.
When you read all this, you probably ask yourself why no government regulators and physicians have done something concerning the health and environmental effects of aluminum.
The dark side of this toxic metal has been revealed in a featured documentary, The Age of Aluminum, which analyzes the scientific links between aluminum and diseases like breast cancer and neurological disorders.
Moreover, the documentary also speaks about the effects of aluminum mining and manufacturing, such as acute ecological problems across the globe, which additionally led to environmental disasters in Hungary, South Africa, and the UK.
According to the neuroscientist Christopher Shaw:
“Many researchers are beginning to accept that aluminum has some sort of role to play in neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s. Whether it does to others is still an open question, but Alzheimer’s is really coming into focus and it’s fairly clear that the body burden of aluminum from all the sources to which humans are exposed may be contributing to Alzheimer’s disease.”
Aluminum is everywhere around us, and it cannot be destroyed it can just attach of separate from other particles.
It is naturally found in the water, air, and soil, but we also contribute by manufacturing of aluminum products, mining and processing of aluminum ores, and the operation of coal-fired power plants and incinerators.
Furthermore, it is also found in our water supply, as rain washes aluminum particles out of the air.
CDC reports that the average American consumes about 7-9 mg of aluminum daily in food and a lesser amount of air and water. Also, only one percent of the ingested aluminum is absorbed into the body, while the rest is moved out by the digestive tract.
Lab tests have found aluminum in numerous products on the market, from pharmaceuticals to foods and drinks, including:
Cosmetics and personal care products like shampoos, lotions, antiperspirants, deodorants(including salt crystals, made of alum), and sunscreens
Foods like salt, baking powder, self-rising flour, baked goods, caking agents, baby formula, coffee creamers, processed foods, and coloring agents
Vaccines—Hepatitis A and B, Hib, pneumococcal vaccine, DTaP (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis), Gardasil (HPV), and others
Aluminum products, like tins, foil, cans, juice pouches, and water bottles
Drugs, like analgesics, antidiarrheals, antacids, and others; additives like magnesium stearate
A study published in the journal Environmental Sciences Europe, involved 1,431 non-animal foods and beverages which were tested for aluminum content, and these are the findings:
77.8 percent had an aluminum concentration of up to 10 mg/kg
17.5 percent had aluminum concentrations between 10 and 100 mg\kg
4.6 percent of the samples contained aluminum concentrations in excess of 100 mg/kg
Foods often contain aluminum compounds in the form of additives, and they also come into contact with aluminum through aluminum equipment and other items since it is unstable in the presence of acids and bases.
Apparently, even though the aluminum equipment has a protective oxide film, it gets easily damaged as fine fissures develop from normal wear and tear. Therefore, baked goods are especially high in aluminum as they are baked and stored on aluminum trays.
Studies have shown that cooking meats in aluminum foil raises the aluminum levels in them. According to researchers, “eating meals prepared in aluminum foil may carry a health risk by adding to other aluminum sources.”
The toxic metal overload can actually result from the cumulative effect of many smaller exposures over time. These are the findings of a study conducted in 200, which analyzed the elevated levels of aluminum in meats cooked in aluminum foil:
Higher cooking temperatures and longer cooking times raises the levels of aluminum in foods
Red meats cooked in aluminum foil showed an increase in aluminum by 89 to 378 percent
In the case of poultry, aluminum levels were increased by 76 to 214 percent
Aluminum and its effects on Brain
Aluminum is detrimental to the brain just like smoke is to the lungs. Toxic metals damage the brain tissue and cause degenerative disease by producing oxidative stress.
Aluminum is definitely one of the worst offenders, and our body cannot easily release it. When it enters the body, it piggybacks on the iron transport system and accumulates in the brain, causing severe damage, regardless of the age of the individual.
Aluminum and vaccines
Vaccines are one of the most problematic aluminum sources, as this metal is a common vaccine adjuvant. Even though it is considered “safe”, research shows that it causes severe immunological disorders and neurological complications in humans.
According to Dr. David Ayoub, aluminum in vaccines can be even more dangerous than mercury.
Over the last three decades, the number of aluminum-containing vaccines children receive today has quadrupled, as they receive 17 of them in the first 18 months. The more aluminum they receive through vaccines, the more cases of childhood neurological disorders.
The amount of aluminum in vaccines is excessive, but if you also consider the aluminum which is not listed on the labels, the issue gets much worse. According to Dr. Ayoub, researchers have found that there is 5-6 times more aluminum in vaccines than it is actually listed on the labels.
Moreover, the signs and symptoms of aluminum toxicity are shockingly similar to the symptoms of neurological diseases such as ADHD, neurologautism, Alzheimer’s, and Parkinson’s.
The symptoms include dementia, depression, muscle weakness, memory problems, speech impairments and aphasia, motor disturbances, and more.
Vaccine adjuvants lead to severe chronic brain inflammation as aluminum affects the cerebellum and autonomic nervous system, which is in charge of the unconscious biological processes (blood pressure, balance, breathing, coordination, etc.).
New Blood Test May Predict Alzheimer’s
According to the team of researchers at Georgetown University and the University of Rochester, they have made a medical breakthrough, by inventing a blood test that predicts the incidence of Alzheimer’s with 90 percent accuracy, and no false negatives.
This test estimates the patterns of 10 specific lipids linked to the plaques found in the brains of people with Alzheimer’s disease, which predict whether a person will become cognitively impaired.
All participants were in their 70s, so they plan to determine if their test is as effective in younger people aged 40 and 50.
Biomarkers like lipids are tricky for Alzheimer’s as they are stage dependent, meaning that they can vary and occur in high levels in the early stage, and then reduce.
Therefore, more research needs to be done. Moreover, remember that as soon as you have it, there is no way to completely cure it, so make sure you prevent it on time.
One of the best ways to do so is to detoxify the body from metals like aluminum.
Apparently, aluminum impairs the ability of the body to eliminate mercury by inhibiting the production of glutathione, so replacing mercury with aluminum in vaccines might only aggravate the issue.
Glutathione is the most important intracellular detoxifier, which reverses oxidative stress. Therefore, in case the aluminum levels in the body are too high, this overload will make the body more toxic from the mercury from flu shots and fish.
Sulfur is of high importance for the production of glutathione, so you should increase it levels through dietary sources.
You should consume more garlic, onions, and animal-based proteins. Also, whey concentrate is particularly rich in cysteine, which is one of the two sulfur-bearing amino acids that are direct precursors to glutathione.
Most people need a gram of protein per kilogram of lean body weight or about half a gram of protein per pound of lean body mass.
Always choose grass-fed and finished meats, as they are of high quality, and are not contaminated with veterinary drugs, like antibiotics and growth hormones.
Detoxify Aluminum
The first thing you should do is to avoid exposure to aluminum, by avoiding:
Aluminum cookware
Antiperspirants containing aluminum chloride, aluminum chlorohydrate, or aluminum-zirconium compounds
Toothpaste containing aluminum oxyhydroxide16
Aluminum laminated pouch drinks
Aluminum espresso makers
There are many potent chelating agents of aluminum you can use, and these are the best ones in the case of serious Alzheimer’s disease:
Melatonin: It acts as a binding metal, and is a helpful supplement in the treatment of neurological disorders which involve oxidative, like Alzheimer’s. It travels freely across all cellular barriers, and thus helps the elimination of toxic metals like aluminum, and suppresses the oxidative activity of aluminum in the brain.
Silica-rich water: Research has shown that the consumption of up to one liter of a silicon-rich mineral water daily for 12 weeks effectively excreted aluminum via the urine, and did not affect other essential metals like iron and copper. Authors of the study commented: “We have provided preliminary evidence that over 12 weeks of silicon-rich mineral water therapy the body burden of aluminum fell in individuals with Alzheimer’s disease and, concomitantly, cognitive performance showed clinically relevant improvements in at least 3 out of 15 individuals.”
Curcumin: It prevents damage due to aluminum by modulating the extent of oxidative stress. Curcumin also reduces the beta-amyloid plaques which are linked to Alzheimer’s, eliminates metals, has potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory effects, improved memory in the case of Alzheimer’s, delays neuron degradation, and decreases microglia formation. Yet, it should not be consumed in the case of gallstones, biliary tract obstruction (as it stimulates bile secretion), obstructive jaundice, or acute biliary colic.
Anything that increases the glutathione levels. The body synthesizes glutathione from three amino acids: cysteine, glutamate, and glycine. Glutamate and glycine are found in raw fruits and vegetables, such as broccoli, oranges, avocado, zucchini, asparagus, spinach, grapefruit, strawberries, okra, tomato, cantaloupe, and peach. Cysteine is found in onions, garlic, eggs, meat, red peppers, Brussels sprouts, whey protein, and wheat germ.
Here are some other ways to improve the glutathione metabolism:
Epsom salt baths
Exercise: Exercise affects the levels of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) which is needed for the production of glutathione
Sun exposure: This raises the levels of vitamin D, which increases intracellular glutathione levels
The supplement N-acetyl L-cysteine (NAC) is the rate-limiting nutrient for the formation of the intracellular antioxidant glutathione
MSM supplementation
To conclude, there is growing evidence which shows that aluminum contributes to the development of neurodegenerative diseases such as Alzheimer’s.
Aluminum toxicity is characterized by symptoms too similar to the ones of dementia, autism, Parkinson’s, ADHD, and other neurological diseases, due to the fact that it targets exactly the same areas of the brain and nervous system.
Hence, you need to minimize your exposure to this metal and protect yourself from its detrimental effects. You should carefully choose your food and personal products, and reduce the use of vaccines and other drugs.
On the other hand, you should optimize the levels of dietary sulfur in your body, as the body needs it in order to produce the most powerful weapon against aluminum overload: glutathione.
This will help you maximize the ability of the body to eliminate this toxic metal and prevent its terrible consequences.

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