A New 7-Days Lemon Diet Will Detox and Burn Fat

This new seven day lemon diet can help in the extreme, healthy and refreshing way during this summer. You will lose fat and at the same time detox your body from toxins.
The main ingredient of this drink is the lemon. It’s the super fruit back at it again with its ability to remove the toxins from the digestive track.
Reading through the blog posts and comments on different forum subjects, I can see that lots of people are satisfied form this drink.
One woman said that this became her routine. She prepares the night before consumption.
Even the label of the lemon diet says that you need to consume it, especially in the morning to detoxify your body.
Before I head down to the diet, let remind ourselves of all the benefits you can get from consuming lemon.
Now, the simple 7-days lemon diet that will become your routine and habit.
Day 1: Magic on an Empty Stomach
Take a glass from the shelve and fill it with warm water. The water should be brought to a drinkable mild level. Put the lemons inside and let it sit for a few minutes.
This will give you an opportunity to finish up your morning routine.
After that, drink up!
You should do the same thing in the afternoon on an empty stomach. Don’t get confused here. You should have breakfast. Consuming a glass of this lemon juice should be half an hour before you consume lunch.
Day 2: Detoxify and Mineralize!
Strengthen up your day with a mineral water.
Repeat the procedure of drinking one glass of the lemon juice in the morning and afternoon. During the day, consume 2-3 liters of mineral water. You can add fruit in the mineral water for better results.
Day 3: Richer Lunch
Don’t avoid the lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning. The only change here is that you are allowed to drink the warm lemon water during lunch.
You should continue drinking mineral water with lemon.
Day 4 and Day 5: Repeating the Process
Follow the same program from Day 3.
Day 6: Limiting
Follow the same plan from Day 3, but limit your lemon juice intake to 2 glasses in a day.
I prefer to be in the morning and before dinner.
Day 7: The Habit
The final day of this diet should make you drink lemon water on an empty stomach in the morning.
It should become a habit you will enjoy the rest of your life.
Consume only one glass of this lemon water in the morning, and you are ready to go.
Don’t forget to drink 2-3 liters a day to keep your body and soul hydrated.
There you go. The 7-day lemon diet that will detox your body and burn fat.
Keep your healthy food intake on a high level. That’s the real road to becoming healthy and fit. It should be your priority while this lemon drink is helping the process.
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