5 Soothing Essential Oils To Rub On Your Sciatic Nerve For Instant Pain Relief

You can try some soothing essential oils to ease the sciatic nerve pain. You need to rub the nerve with essential oil and you will get instant pain relief. The sciatic nerve is the longest nerve in the human body. It starts in your spine and runs right down to the ankle on both legs. It’s an experience most people connect with pain. Something that the elderly experience. But sciatica pain affects everyone. In fact, it’s not always even pain. Sometimes it’s an ache, a numbness, or even just a trembling. It’s even linked to that weak-kneed feeling people get for no apparent reason at all.
Sciatica pain is caused by pressure on the nerve, normally from a prolapsed disk in your spine. But you can also get it from sitting too long, or in a weird position. Pregnant women often experience sciatica pain. It can also be caused by heavy lifting, stress, or in very rare cases a tumor.
There are several stretches you can do to ease sciatica pain. You might not be able to do eight yoga poses before work every morning (but give it a try if you have time). Another well-known way to deal with sciatica pain is to lie on your back with your knees drawn to your chest or supported by a chair (so long as your knees stay bent) and rest your head on a pillow. Do this while watching TV for ten minutes a night. But you can also treat sciatica with essential oils and other herbs.

Essential Oils
This is a list of oils you can rub into your skin. Remember to mix essential oils with a carrier oil (avocado oil, sweet almond oil, jojoba oil, coconut oil, grapeseed oil, even extra virgin olive oil will do the trick), massage these into the area where you are having pain. If you like you can cover them with a warm cloth to help your muscles relax more fully. (Editor’s note: while the scientific community has still yet to fully research the effects of essential oils on humans, many people have anecdotally reported success in these essential oil massages).
  • Mustard Oil
  • Lavender Essential Oil
  • Juniper Essential Oil
  • Roman Chamomile Essential Oil
  • Pepper Essential Oil
  • Other Tricks
  • Nettle Tea
  • Saffron Tea
  • Celery Juiceor Tea can be used to help some kinds of sciatica pain
  • Fresh lemon juice – rub on the affected area (this one really is effective!)
  • Fresh oregano or thyme can be added to bathwater
I should also mention that a combination of any of the essential oils listed above can be added to your bathwater (10 drops for sensitive skin, 15 for normal skin) and a particularly effective blend is juniper and mustard or pepper. (Side note: I like the combination of juniper and pepper better than juniper and mustard, but it’s got nothing to do with it being more effective).
If these tricks work for you, let us know in the comments. We’re always looking for feedback. And feel free to make a request for solutions to certain ailments, we want to know what you’re concerned about.
This information is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment and is for information only. Essential oils are very highly concentrated and potent and it is important to always check the specific safety data provided. Keep out of reach of children, the elderly, and pets. For external use only. Avoid contact with mucus membranes and eyes. If any essential oils have contacted your eye, wash out with a vegetable oil such as olive oil, not water.
Some oils may cause skin irritation in people with sensitive skin. It is recommended to perform a patch test before use. To patch test, place one drop on the back of your wrist and leave for an hour or more. If irritation or redness occurs wash the area with olive oil then cold water and do not use the oil.
We do not recommend the ingestion of essential oils except while under the care and direction of a qualified health practitioner.
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