Sharks, killer whales, leopard seals and crocodiles are just some of the most ferocious aquatic predators that are known to exist, but new research shows that giant water bugs also deserve a spot at the top of the list.
You will find it difficult to find a water insect, more aggressive than the giant water beetles that hunt ducks, fish, snakes, and even turtles.
The new study, published in the journal Entomological Science, collected decades of research on aquatic insects.
The study was conducted by Shin-Ya Ohba from Nagasaki University and the study provides a comprehensive view of these insects and an understanding of their ecology and hunting strategies.
There are 150 known species of giant water beetles, and all giant water beetles have something in common – their fearlessness.
Some giant water bugs can destroy prey ten times their size. These predators are able to track down perch for hours lurking on aquatic plants, mingling with the background and waiting for the fish or snake to catch up with their ambush.
“They just take a position, holding the plant in the water and everything that moves in front of them, they will grab and try to eat,” says Charles Swart, a senior teacher at Trinity College, who studied giant aquatic insects, but was not involved in the study.
Once an unhappy prey is caught, the giant front legs of the giant water beetle hold the prey while the beetle begins to feed on its prey in a particularly cruel way.
The giant water beetle bites its prey by injecting enzymes and chemicals into the animal through a sharp, thin proboscis, which is then used to suck up dissolved viscera.
For larger prey, it may take several hours for the water predator to finish its feast, and unfortunately for its prey, it remains alive throughout this time.
Giant water bugs will attack almost everything that crosses their path, even people, but although their bite is painful, there were no cases that their venom would kill a person.
Male gigantic aquatic bzhukam, females entrusted to care for offspring, and often the female eats the eggs of its rival, to ensure that the male will raise only her offspring.
Like any predator, giant water bugs play a key role in their aquatic ecosystems and it is important to study these species, as well as ensure the protection of their aquatic habitats.
A study published in the journal Entomological Science
Imagine these “bugs” are so aggressive that the size of the potential food they attack is not important to them. These underwater “terminators” even attack people, although it is clear that they will not be able to have dinner with Homo Sapiens.
It remains only to thank mother nature for the fact that these beetles are considered giant only in their underwater world and pose a threat to smaller game than you and me.
Judging by the results of the study, these “spider bugs” are a ready-made idea for the next horror movie. It is only necessary to increase from ten times to complete the picture and the corresponding effect.
Although if we imagine hypothetically that as a result of certain events, let’s say genetic experiments, these beetles will start to multiply uncontrollably and will be able to attack in a flock, including on land, without being tied to their usual habitat, then even at their current size problems …
You will find it difficult to find a water insect, more aggressive than the giant water beetles that hunt ducks, fish, snakes, and even turtles.
The new study, published in the journal Entomological Science, collected decades of research on aquatic insects.
The study was conducted by Shin-Ya Ohba from Nagasaki University and the study provides a comprehensive view of these insects and an understanding of their ecology and hunting strategies.
There are 150 known species of giant water beetles, and all giant water beetles have something in common – their fearlessness.
Some giant water bugs can destroy prey ten times their size. These predators are able to track down perch for hours lurking on aquatic plants, mingling with the background and waiting for the fish or snake to catch up with their ambush.
“They just take a position, holding the plant in the water and everything that moves in front of them, they will grab and try to eat,” says Charles Swart, a senior teacher at Trinity College, who studied giant aquatic insects, but was not involved in the study.
Once an unhappy prey is caught, the giant front legs of the giant water beetle hold the prey while the beetle begins to feed on its prey in a particularly cruel way.
The giant water beetle bites its prey by injecting enzymes and chemicals into the animal through a sharp, thin proboscis, which is then used to suck up dissolved viscera.
For larger prey, it may take several hours for the water predator to finish its feast, and unfortunately for its prey, it remains alive throughout this time.
Giant water bugs will attack almost everything that crosses their path, even people, but although their bite is painful, there were no cases that their venom would kill a person.
Male gigantic aquatic bzhukam, females entrusted to care for offspring, and often the female eats the eggs of its rival, to ensure that the male will raise only her offspring.
Like any predator, giant water bugs play a key role in their aquatic ecosystems and it is important to study these species, as well as ensure the protection of their aquatic habitats.
A study published in the journal Entomological Science
Imagine these “bugs” are so aggressive that the size of the potential food they attack is not important to them. These underwater “terminators” even attack people, although it is clear that they will not be able to have dinner with Homo Sapiens.
It remains only to thank mother nature for the fact that these beetles are considered giant only in their underwater world and pose a threat to smaller game than you and me.
Judging by the results of the study, these “spider bugs” are a ready-made idea for the next horror movie. It is only necessary to increase from ten times to complete the picture and the corresponding effect.
Although if we imagine hypothetically that as a result of certain events, let’s say genetic experiments, these beetles will start to multiply uncontrollably and will be able to attack in a flock, including on land, without being tied to their usual habitat, then even at their current size problems …