Archaeologists were able to decipher the ancient Egyptian text, which contained a description of the test. The method of testing pregnancy was original.
Papyrus with the text was found in the ancient Egyptian town of Tebtunis. His age is about 3,500 thousand years. As it turned out, an ancient document described a way to check the presence of pregnancy, as well as learn the sex of the unborn child.
Ancient Egyptian “gynecologist” advises women to sacks with two kinds of straw – wheat and barley, respectively. They need to urinate and wait for the first sprouts to appear. Depending on which of the pouches begins to germinate faster, and set the sex of the child. If none of them sprouts did not give, the ancient Egyptians had to try again and again.
At the time of the decline of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the recipe was not lost. It was adopted by at least Europeans. A similar version of the test for pregnancy archeologists already found in a German document of the XVII century.
In addition to describing the pregnancy test, archaeologists managed to decipher another ancient Egyptian document. It deals with kidney disease. This papyrus is the most ancient text, in which the kidneys are mentioned as a separate organ.
Papyrus with the text was found in the ancient Egyptian town of Tebtunis. His age is about 3,500 thousand years. As it turned out, an ancient document described a way to check the presence of pregnancy, as well as learn the sex of the unborn child.
Ancient Egyptian “gynecologist” advises women to sacks with two kinds of straw – wheat and barley, respectively. They need to urinate and wait for the first sprouts to appear. Depending on which of the pouches begins to germinate faster, and set the sex of the child. If none of them sprouts did not give, the ancient Egyptians had to try again and again.
At the time of the decline of the ancient Egyptian civilization, the recipe was not lost. It was adopted by at least Europeans. A similar version of the test for pregnancy archeologists already found in a German document of the XVII century.
In addition to describing the pregnancy test, archaeologists managed to decipher another ancient Egyptian document. It deals with kidney disease. This papyrus is the most ancient text, in which the kidneys are mentioned as a separate organ.