Will the first ever press conference with a representative of the ancestors of Mankind take place in March?

Will the first ever press conference with a representative of the ancestors of Mankind take place in March?
As us are informed by friends and insiders from various leading world information agencies and TV channels, yesterday many of them received by e-mail strange letters.
They were identical text messages in 12 languages, with the invitation to take part in the first press conference with a representative of the ancestors of mankind.
These letters say that the announced event is to be held in March this year.
Those who organize this meeting declare that the structures of the Global Deep State and religious special services are actively hindering this event.
They undertake and will attempt to disrupt the press conference, try to seize or even destroy a representative of extraterrestrial intelligence.
The main theme of this sensational press conference will concern Mankind.
Today, the planet enters a new era of total control and super-globism, the beginning of which will be an organized and harshly planned world war.
Many people see this and feel it, but nobody understands the real reason for what is happening.
At the press conference, this reason will be disclosed, since it is directly related to the issue of the history of the origin of mankind.
People will be shocked by the truth – who they are, by whom and for what they were created.
The invitation also contains some details. Namely:
Each media resource that received the invitation should be allocated no more than two people.These people should be prepared for the fact that starting from March 15, they will be delivered to some place by the “mediators” to the venue of the press conference.
Transportation of journalists and all expenses are incurred by the organizers.

Another interesting detail.According to our insiders, some organizations that received this invitation, tried to find out: where did these letters come from?
The task turned out to be beyond their power.As their specialized specialists said, they encountered similar addresses on the network for the first time.
What is it? Someone’s a joke or are we on the verge of the greatest disclosure?
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