On the Danish island of Bornholm, mysterious “cobweb-stones”

On the Danish island of Bornholm, mysterious “cobweb-stones”
Archaeologists have found, on the Danish island of Bornholm in the Baltic Sea, the mysterious “cobweb-stones” dating from the stone age, which may have been used in religious ceremonies.
According to scientists, the found stones with an engraved pattern resembling a web are very similar to the so-called “sun stones”, which were first discovered during excavations in the mid-1990s in the area of ​​the archaeological site of Vazagard on Bornholm. These “sunny” round stones were polished, and then on one of their sides a pattern was engraved – coming from the center of the line, which, it is believed, symbolized the sun.
The appointment of such stones scientists have not yet been disclosed. However, they do not rule out that the stones were used in religious ceremonies to call good weather for a big harvest, writes Live Science.
Speaking of new finds, the director of the Bornholm Museum noted that he could find only one symbolic use of cobweb in Europe – it was painted on the ceiling of a medieval church in France and is believed to symbolize the sky or the transition between life and death.
In addition, among the artifacts were pieces of copper. At the same time, scientists are sure that at that time this metal could not be made by the inhabitants of the island, who still made tools of the Stone Age, and therefore, copper was brought from another place.
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