Mysterious Hyperborea

Mysterious Hyperborea
According to ancient legends, this people lived in the Far North, or “for Boreas.” These people especially loved the god Apollo, who was tirelessly chanted in hymns. Every 19 years, the patron of the arts went on a chariot drawn by swans to this ideal country to return to Delphi at a certain time of summer heat. Apollo also rewarded the northern inhabitants with the ability to fly, like a bird in the sky.
A number of legends say that the Hyperboreans for a long time observed the ritual of offering Apollo the first harvest for Delos (the Greek island in the Aegean Sea). But one day, after the most beautiful girls, sent with gifts, did not return (were subjected to violence or remained there at their own will), the northern inhabitants began to leave the offerings on the border of the neighboring country. From here they were gradually transferred, right up to Delos, other peoples for a fee.
Hyperborea was famous for its favorable climate. The sun ascended there only once at the summer solstice and shone for half a year. It entered, respectively, during the winter solstice.
In the very center of this northern state there was a lake-sea, from which four large rivers flowed into the ocean. Therefore, on the map, Hyperborea resembled a round shield with a cross on the surface. The country was surrounded by very high mountains, through which no ordinary person could cross. The Hyperboreans lived in dense forests and groves.
The state of the northern inhabitants was ideal in its structure. In the Country of Happy reigned eternal fun, accompanied by songs, dances, music and feasts. “Always there dances of the virgins, the sounds of the lyre and the singing of the flute were heard.” Hyperboreans did not know strife, battles and disease.
Even to death, the northern people treated themselves as a way to get rid of satiety with life. After experiencing all the pleasures, the man himself threw himself into the sea.
Until now, the question remains unresolved to which race the legendary Hyperboreans belonged. Some believe that they were people with black skin. Others argue that the skin was white and it was from the Hyperboreans that the Aryans subsequently occurred.
This highly developed civilization had close trade relations with many countries of the Mediterranean, the Near East and even America. In addition, the inhabitants of this northern state have earned the glory of fine teachers, thinkers and philosophers. It is known, for example, that the teacher of Pythagoras was a man from a country where “the day reigned for six months”.
The famous sages and ministers of Apollo, Abaris and Aristeas, were considered to be descendants of this country. They are also considered as hypostases of Apollo, since they knew the designations of the ancient fetishistic symbols of God (arrow, crow, laurel). During his lifetime, Abaris and Aristeas were trained and endowed with new cultural values, such as music, the art of creating poems and hymns, and philosophy.
Here are a few information about the life of the people beloved by Apollo. They certainly are not proof that the Hyperboreans really existed many millennia ago, but scientists continue to search for and receive more and more confirming facts. A lot of interesting information researchers have learned from the myths, legends and legends of the ancient peoples of the Earth.
Hyperborea in myths and traditions
In the ancient Indian Vedas, there is a text that says that far away in the north is the center of the universe, in the very place where the god Brahma has fixed the Polar star. In the Mahabharata it is also reported that in the Dairy Region is Meira, or the World Mountain. In Hindu mythology, it is associated with the axis of the earth around which our planet rotates.
Here is a country whose inhabitants “taste of bliss”. These are brave and courageous people, detached from all evil, indifferent to dishonor and possessing immense vitality. Cruel and dishonest there is no place.
The ancient Sanskrit legends mention the first inhabited continent, which was near the North Pole. Here lived the legendary Hyperboreans. Their country was named after the Greek god Boreas, ruler of the cold north wind. Therefore, in a literal translation, the name sounds like “the extreme northernmost country at the top”. It existed at the beginning of the Tertiary era.
It is known that the Greeks and Hellenes knew about the northern country. Probably before Hyperborea disappeared, it was one of the main spiritual centers of the Ancient World.
 Reconstruction of the city of Arkaim in the Southern Urals. Some believe that it was built by people from Hyperborea
Mention of a great power is also in Chinese writings. Of these, we learn about one emperor – Yao, who worked hard to rule perfectly. But after the emperor visited the “white island” inhabited by “real people”, he realized that he had only “spoiled everything.” There, Yao saw a pattern of a superman, indifferent to everything and “allowing the spinning wheel to spin”.
The “white island” was also known for the peoples who inhabited the territory of modern Mexico. But what is this mysterious island? The researchers also correlate it with Hyperborea in general or with one of the islands that belonged to it.
The inhabitants of Novaya Zemlya also have legends about a mysterious country. They say, in particular, that if you go all the way to the north through long ice and wandering cold winds, you can get to people who only love and do not know enmity and malice. They have one leg, and they can not move separately. Therefore, people have to walk embracing, and then they can even run. When the northern people love, they work miracles. Having lost the ability to love, they die.
Legends and legends about the country of the Hyperboreans, located in the Far North, are available practically for all the ancient peoples of the world. They are the only sources of information about the legendary country. But since myths and legends were formed by people, many facts or events, which they did not understand, changed. Therefore, researchers interested in ancient civilization, seek to find scientific confirmation of the existence of Hyperborea.
Where did the Hyperboreans take the heat
Among all the questions concerning the existence of the legendary Hyperborea, scientists are particularly interested in the following: where did the Hyperboreans get heat from in the north?
The fact that once on the territory, now covered with eternal ice, was a fairly warm climate, even MV Lomonosov said. In particular, he wrote that “in the northern regions in the ancient centuries, great heat was, where elephants could be born and multiply”.
According to modern science, at that time the climate in Hyperborea was indeed close to tropical. There are many proofs to this fact. For example, in Svalbard and in Greenland in due time have found the petrified remains of palms, magnolias, tree-like ferns and other tropical plants.
Scientists have several versions as to where the Hyperboreans took heat from. According to one hypothesis, they converted the heat of natural geysers (as in Iceland). Although today it is known that its capacity would still not be enough to heat the whole continent during the onset of winter.
The proponents of the second hypothesis believe that the Gulf Stream could be the source of heat. However, it also does not have sufficient power to heat even a relatively small area (Murmansk region, for example, near which the Gulf Stream ends) can serve as an example. But there is a suggestion that earlier this flow was more powerful.
According to another assumption, Hyperborea was artificially heated. If the inhabitants of this country decided for themselves the problem of air movement, longevity, rational land use, it is likely that they could provide themselves with warmth and even learned how to manage the climate.
Why Hyperborea died
Scientists today are inclined to think that the cause of the death of this ancient civilization, as well as of Atlantis, was a natural cataclysm.
It is known that the climate in Hyperborea was tropical or close to it, but then there was a sharp cooling. Scientists admit the thought that it happened due to global natural disasters, for example, displacement of the earth’s axis.
Ancient astronomers and priests believed that this happened about 400 thousand years ago. But then the hypothesis with axis shift disappears, because, according to ancient myths and legends, the country of the Hyperboreans existed at the North Pole just a few thousand years ago.
Another cause of the disappearance of the continent could be glacial periods, following one after another. The last glaciation happened at the beginning of the Xth millennium BC. e. Latin America and Europe have suffered from the impact of this global process. The offensive of the glaciers was, most likely, very fast (since the mammoths found in Siberia were frozen alive). As a result of the subsequent melting of glaciers under water were huge areas of land.
It is assumed that Hyperborea was not completely flooded and Greenland, Spitsbergen, Iceland, Jan Mayen, as well as Siberia and the Alaska Peninsula located in this region are the remnants of the northern continent.
There are no other hypotheses as to why Hyperborea died. Scientists do not undertake to answer this question until they find solutions to the most important riddle: where was it located?
Where to search for Hyperborea?
There is no scientific evidence for the existence of the legendary seventh continent to date, if you do not take into account ancient legends, ancient engravings and maps. For example, on the map of Gerard Mercator, the Arctic continent (where Hyperborea was supposed to be) is designated, and the Arctic Ocean is depicted fairly accurately around it.

Arctic continent on the map of Gerard Mercator in 1595
Scientists have several versions as to where the Hyperboreans took heat from. According to one hypothesis, they converted the heat of natural geysers (as in Iceland). Although today it is known that its capacity would still not be enough to heat the whole continent during the onset of winter.
The proponents of the second hypothesis believe that the Gulf Stream could be the source of heat. However, it also does not have sufficient power to heat even a relatively small area (Murmansk region, for example, near which the Gulf Stream ends) can serve as an example. But there is a suggestion that earlier this flow was more powerful.
According to another assumption, Hyperborea was artificially heated. If the inhabitants of this country decided for themselves the problem of air movement, longevity, rational land use, it is likely that they could provide themselves with warmth and even learned how to manage the climate.
Why Hyperborea died
Scientists today are inclined to think that the cause of the death of this ancient civilization, as well as of Atlantis, was a natural cataclysm.
It is known that the climate in Hyperborea was tropical or close to it, but then there was a sharp cooling. Scientists admit the thought that it happened due to global natural disasters, for example, displacement of the earth’s axis.
Ancient astronomers and priests believed that this happened about 400 thousand years ago. But then the hypothesis with axis shift disappears, because, according to ancient myths and legends, the country of the Hyperboreans existed at the North Pole just a few thousand years ago.
Another cause of the disappearance of the continent could be glacial periods, following one after another. The last glaciation happened at the beginning of the Xth millennium BC. e. Latin America and Europe have suffered from the impact of this global process. The offensive of the glaciers was, most likely, very fast (since the mammoths found in Siberia were frozen alive). As a result of the subsequent melting of glaciers under water were huge areas of land.
It is assumed that Hyperborea was not completely flooded and Greenland, Spitsbergen, Iceland, Jan Mayen, as well as Siberia and the Alaska Peninsula located in this region are the remnants of the northern continent.
There are no other hypotheses as to why Hyperborea died. Scientists do not undertake to answer this question until they find solutions to the most important riddle: where was it located?
Where to search for Hyperborea?
There is no scientific evidence for the existence of the legendary seventh continent to date, if you do not take into account ancient legends, ancient engravings and maps. For example, on the map of Gerard Mercator, the Arctic continent (where Hyperborea was supposed to be) is designated, and the Arctic Ocean is depicted fairly accurately around it.
Today, many researchers who are searching for the mysterious Hyperborea believe that unlike Atlantis, which disappeared without a trace, it still left part of the land – this is the northern territories of Russia.
According to other assumptions, Hyperborea was in the place of modern Iceland. Although neither there, nor in Greenland, nor on Spitsbergen, archaeologists have so far not been able to detect any traces of the existence of an ancient civilization. Scientists attribute this to the volcanic activity that has not ceased until now, which destroyed, perhaps, many millennia ago the ancient northern cities.
Targeted searches for Hyperborea have never been carried out, nevertheless, at the beginning of the 20th century a scientific expedition set off for the area of ​​Seydozero and Lovozero (Murmansk region). It was led by the famous travelers A. Barchenko and A. Condiain. During the research work, they engaged in ethnographic, geographical and psychophysical study of the terrain.
Once the travelers quite accidentally stumbled upon an unusual laz that went deep into the ground, but could not penetrate into it for a strange reason: everyone who tried to go down there covered a wild, inexplicable horror. Nevertheless, researchers photographed a strange passage into the depths of the earth.
Returning to Moscow, the expedition submitted a report on the trip, but the data was immediately classified. The most interesting thing in this story is that in the years most hungry for Russia, the government approved the preparation and financing of this expedition. Most likely, she was given great importance. A. Barchenko himself as a leader on his return was repressed and shot. The materials he received were kept secret for a long time.
In the early 90-ies of XX century, Doctor of Philosophy V.Demin became aware of the expedition A. Barchenko. After acquainting herself with her results and studying the legends and traditions of the peoples, in which they mentioned the mysterious northern country, he decided to go in search.
In 1997-1999, an expedition was organized to the Kola Peninsula in search of the legendary Hyperborea. The researchers had only one task – to find traces of the ancient cradle of mankind.

It may seem strange why it was in the North that they tried to find these tracks. After all, it is believed that ancient civilizations existed in the Middle East, in South and East Asia between the XII and II millennia BC. e., but before that their ancestors lived in the North, where the climate was completely different.
As a result of research work it became clear that those peoples who live next to Seydozers still have respectful respect and awe of this locality.
Even literally two centuries ago, the southern shore of the lake was considered the most honorable place for the burial of shamans and other respected people of the Saami people. Even representatives of this northern people caught fish here only once a year. In the Sami language, the name of the lake and the afterlife are identified.
For two years the expedition discovered on the Kola Peninsula many traces of the ancestral home of civilizations. It is known that the inhabitants of Hyperborea were sun worshipers. The cult of the Sun existed in the North and in subsequent times. Here were found ancient petroglyphs with the image of the Sun: a point inside one or two circles. Similar symbols can be seen in the ancient Egyptians and Chinese. It also entered modern astronomy, where the symbolic image of the Sun remained the same as it was many thousands of years ago.
A great interest in the researchers caused artificial labyrinths. It was from here that they spread all over the world. Scientists today proved that these stone structures are the coded projection of the passage of the sun across the polar sky.
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In the area of ​​the sacred Saami Seydozer, a powerful megalithic complex was discovered: giant structures, cult and defensive masonry, geometrically regular slabs with mysterious signs. Nearby were the ruins of an ancient observatory built in the rocks. Its 15-meter trough with sighters is directed to the sky and strongly resembles the famous Ulugbek observatory near Samarkand.
In addition, the researchers found several destroyed buildings, road, stairs, Etruscan anchor and a well under the mountain Kuamedespahk. They also made numerous finds, which testify to the fact that once inhabited by people who perfectly master craftsmanship.
The expedition discovered several rock carvings of the lotus and trident. Of particular interest was the huge cross-shaped image of a man – the “old Koivu”, who, according to legend, was embroidered in the rock of Carnassourty.
 Of course, these findings are not proof that there once existed a highly developed civilization. But quite often it was like this: the most daring hypotheses, broken in their time in the dust and dust, were subsequently confirmed.
So far, no specific data have been obtained on the location of the island or the mainland of Hyperborea. According to modern scientific data, there are no islands near the North Pole, but there is an underwater Lomonosov Ridge, named after its discoverer. He, together with the nearby Mendeleyev Ridge, has recently fallen under the water.
 Therefore, if we assume that in ancient times the ridge was inhabited, its inhabitants could well have moved to neighboring continents to areas of the Canadian Arctic archipelago, the Kola and Taimyr Peninsulas, or to the eastern delta of the Lena River. It is on this territory that people who have preserved the traditions of the “golden woman” and, as a result, information about the legendary Hyperborea live.
The answers to these and many other mysteries are to be found in the future.
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