The Society of Supporters of the Theory of Planar Earth held a conference for the first time

The Society of Supporters of the Theory of Planar Earth held a conference for the first time
The society of supporters of the theory of flat Earth is a real American organization. Even today, when space agencies provide us with thousands of photographs and video of our planet made from space, there are many individuals who do not believe in it. In the opinion of such skeptics, the Earth is flat, and the strengths of this world conceal this fact for various reasons.
Despite the fact that the modern Society of the supporters of the theory of planar Earth appeared in 1956, to date its representatives have never hosted international congresses. Now members of this organization from all corners of the earth’s disk gathered in the city of Raleigh, North Carolina, to hold the first ever International Conference.
The event was made by Darryl Marble, known for having once taken a measuring level to the plane to prove the Earth’s plane. The company was made by Mark Sargent, who propagandizes the idea that we all live under a giant dome. The conference topics were the following: “NASA and other cosmic liars”, “Flat Earth and scientific method”, “Checking the sphericity of the Earth” and so on.
By the way, at the conference, for example, the question of space travel of earthlings was discussed in all seriousness, or rather, about the mystification of such travels, because, according to the proponents of the theory of flat Earth, no one ever flew into space, even Yuri Gagarin, not to mention the American lunar projects, which even the orthodox scientists ridicule today. That is why the entire space race between the USA and the USSR is a soap bubble invented in the last century by the Illuminati-Globalists, so that they can impose the state budgets of these powers with impunity, deceiving the people with space tasks. By the way, for this reason, neither side was indignant at the obvious punctures in mystification, for example, the Soviet Union, surprisingly many, for some reason was silent, when the US lunar projects proved so naive that it could not have been noticed only by the blind. For this reason, the USSR and the United States suddenly turned their lunar projects to nothing, from nothing, as if on a team basis.
The Congress, according to organizers, visited more than 8 hundred people. How many all the inhabitants of our planet believe that it is flat, it is not yet possible to say. Even the past conference was at a loss to answer this question, although approximate figures of several million people were called. But most importantly, thanks to the Internet, the number of supporters of the theory of flat Earth is constantly growing. This is an undeniable fact, which is quite surprising and depressing for some scientists: another world religion is born?

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