The scientist told that Noah was talking to his son by phone

The scientist told that Noah was talking to his son by phone
Turkish scientist Yavuz Ernek said that Noah before the Flood spoke with his son on his mobile phone. He noted that “he has evidence,” Hürriyet Daily News reported.
The man complains that the university administration in Istanbul, where he is currently teaching, asked him to stop imposing on his “delusional theory”. This happened after an interview with TRT 1, in which he told about his point of view.
“They angered me during the TV show. I could normally explain my theory. But when I suddenly said “mobile”, everyone began to object to me. If they left me alone, I could prove my words, “the man remembers about the transfer. What specific facts he was going to present in favor of his theory, Ernek did not specify.
The man, however, admitted that after the air he began to write many viewers, expressing his support. “Even the proposal was made to translate my book into English,” Ernek said.
Noah is the last of the antediluvian Old Testament patriarchs, taking place in a straight line from Adam. According to the Bible, Noah was a righteous man, for this God saved him and his family from the flood by commanding him to build an ark and take there also a pair of animals of each kind. From the sons of Shem, Ham, Japheth and their wives, the nations that inhabited the whole world were born.
In Islam, Noah is revered as a prophet under the name of Noah. Unlike the Bible, the Qur’an describes that the whole family gathered in the ark, except for the wife and one of the sons named Yam. He refused to sail with his father, hoping to be saved on the mountain, and eventually died. According to the Turkish scholar, it was with him that the father spoke before the ark was sent.

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