The first settlers of America were natives of the territory of modern Russia

The first settlers of America were natives of the territory of modern Russia
The first people who settled America, came from the territory of modern Russia, an international group, led by scientists from Cambridge and Copenhagen universities, found out.
The researchers conducted an analysis of the DNA of an Indian girl who lived in Alaska about 11,500 years ago and whose remains were found there in 2013. Her genetic data did not coincide with the previously known southern and northern Native Americans.
Data of archaeological finds in Alaska indicate the existence of a previously unknown population of Native Americans, which scientists called “ancient beringins.”
“Genetic evidence suggests that people could come to the continent within the same migration wave, perhaps over 20,000 years ago,” the study said.
As noted by scientists, the genetic data of the ancient beringins represent a huge potential “in terms of answering questions related to the early population of America.”
According to the results of the study, the first representatives of the Beringians appeared about 36,000 years ago in the territory of Northeast Asia. Climate change forced the population to migrate to Alaska via the Bering Isthmus.
“We were able to show that probably people came to Alaska more than 20,000 years ago.For the first time we have direct genetic evidence that all Native Americans go back to the same population – the fundamental factor in this is migration,” said research scientist Eske Villerslev .

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