States of the East Coast of the United States suffer from coastal flooding

States of the East Coast of the United States suffer from coastal flooding
In addition to the snowstorm, Massachusetts was struck by a combination of astronomical tides and strong coastal winds at speeds of up to 120 km / h. The resulting coastal flooding reached a record level in Boston. Meteorologists explain what is happening with a combination of high astronomical tides caused by the Superlunah.
Water flooded the sidewalks and streets, trapped cars and blocked the metro station. The intensity of the flood that reached and perhaps even surpassed the strength of the storm of 1978 is due to the combination of the high astronomical tides caused by the Superlunah on Monday, the time of the landfall of the storm that brought the strongest winds on the coast at high tide, and the rise in sea level over the past several decades.
In February 1978, a winter storm that struck New England, updated records and killed 54 people. Then in Boston the waves reached 3 meters and higher. Made on Thursday photos of broken breakwaters and water pouring into the streets of the metropolis, terribly reminded of the strongest snowstorm of forty years ago.
The storm of 1978 was devastating. Cyclone equaled him on records and even beat some of them in just one tide cycle.
Floods have updated record figures in Boston, according to the National Weather Service.
The cyclone continues to rage, photos and videos posted in social networks show water flowing through the low regions of Boston, carrying huge pieces of ice. The metro station “Aquarium” was closed as a result of the flood.
In Twitter, the National Weather Service in Boston noted that although it will take several days for the water to leave, the worst is over. But the super low temperature, which will come next, will cause the water taken ashore to freeze.
Boston is not the only city in Massachusetts that is experiencing a flood. The same situation has developed in the cities of Salem and Gloucester.
Coastal floods also erupted in Maine, New Hampshire and New Jersey. Meanwhile in Baltimore the same cyclone brought powerful winds from the west, pushing all the water from the shore, which caused the lowest tide since 1997.

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