How can we detect weak gravitational waves?

How can we detect weak gravitational waves?
Scientists are moving in the right direction in an attempt to learn how to detect low-frequency gravitational waves.
The Nobel Prize in Physics in 2017 went to the three scientists who contributed to the successful detection of gravitational waves. In September 2015, the LIGO team captured the first gravitational waves coming from the collision of two large black holes.
And more recently, namely on August 17, 2017, the LIGO observatory discovered the very first gravitational waves emanating from neutron stars during their collision. Scientists were really excited by the fact that they suddenly discovered an obvious ripple created in space by gravitational waves. After this discovery, about 70 observatories around the world were also able to observe gravitational waves originally discovered by LIGO’s scientific instruments.
At present, the LIGO observatory is not yet sensitive enough to detect low-frequency gravitational waves. This requires special techniques and more powerful equipment, which together can help detect extremely low-frequency waves produced by the merger of supermassive black holes.
Scientists also say that low-frequency gravitational waves passing through the vicinity of the Earth are capable of changing the positions of distant stars. Given this fact, researchers have more chances of observing cosmic gravitational waves.

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