An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred near the Commander Islands

An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred near the Commander Islands
An earthquake of magnitude 6.2 occurred near the island of Bering. The epicenter lay at a depth of 8 kilometers. On the islands there is one inhabited village of Nikolskoe, but it is located on the other side of the island.
The Commander Islands represent a group of 4 islands that are located in the southwestern part of the Bering Sea and are washed by the Pacific Ocean. They are located 200 km from the Kamchatka peninsula and are part of the Aleut region of the Kamchatka region of Russia.
In connection with the location of the islands on the border of lithospheric plates, they are subject to strong earthquakes. The result of this interaction is the displacement of the Commander Islands towards Kamchatka by approximately 50 mm per year.
The Commander archipelago is part of the Aleutian arch, consisting of 47 straits and 150 islands. The latter in turn are the summits of the underwater volcanic ridge. Formation and origin of the islands originates more than 50 million years ago. Having passed many stages of formation, and to this day, the island chain is raised approximately by 2.2 mm per year.
Directly the Commander Islands includes 2 large islands: Fr. Bering and Fr. Copper, and also small about. Toporkov, about. Aryan is a stone.
Near to. Bering: Aleut Stone, Half Stone, Stone Steller, Stone Above.
Near to. Copper: Waxmouth stone, Kekur, Beavers stones, Ship’s pillar, Steller’s stone East, Steller’s Stone.
The Kamchatka Peninsula and the Commander Islands share the Kamchatka Strait with a width of about 190 km. Separation from the remaining islands of the Aleutian arc occurs in the Middle Pass (width 363 km). The largest are about. Bering and Fr. Copper are divided among themselves by a 49-kilometer Strait of Admiral Kuznetsov. The current in this strait is rarely calm, so the passage of ships here is extremely unsafe.
Bering Island is the largest in the Commander Islands. The length from north to south is about 90 km, width 18 km, area 1 667 m². The length of the coastline reaches 260 km, and the height of the island ranges from 150 to 755 meters.
The locality of the northern part of Fr. Bering is low, flat. Here you can see Cape North and Waxell. The southern opposite, is represented by mountainous terrain, the bay of Likandrovskaya and Cape Monati. The highest point is Steller’s arch.
On the island there is a settlement in the village of Nikolskoe, with a population of about 800 people.
The island of Copper is the second largest of the islands of the Komandorsky archipelago. The length from north to south is 53 km, the width is on average 5 km, and the area is 186 m². The maximum width is 8.4 km and the minimum width is 0.35 km. The length of the coastline is about 165 km, the altitude ranges from 360 m to 647 m (Steinegera Mountain). Here you can admire the capes of Zhirovoy, Senkinsky, Peschanaya, Korabelnaya, Sekachinskaya and Isthmus Island. The whole island represents a mountainous terrain. In the XIX century on the territory of the island was formed the village of Preobrazhenskoe, whose population in 1970 was relocated to. Bering. At the moment, Fr. Copper is completely uninhabited and serves only to conduct annual scientific works aimed at studying the flora and fauna of the area
The island of Toporkov is a flat plateau, with a height of 9 m and a circumference of 2 km. This small island is located in a bay called Nikolsky raid, 4 km from Cape Entrance Rif, from the north-western side of Bering Island. The island is 0.25 km².
The island of Arius Stone is essentially a rock. Its height is 53 m.
During periods of low sea level and winds, sand moves from the drained parts of the bottom, dunes are formed. The longest dune field is in the bay of Nikolsky raid located on. Bering. The length is 7 km, and the width reaches 800 m. Some dune fields of the Commander Islands are up to 9 700 years old.
The islands of Bering and Copper are filled with a network of inland streams. As a rule they are small. Some of them end with waterfalls, the height of which varies from 10 to 100 m. The longest river Kamenka is on. Bering. Its length is 27 km.
The appearance of the Commander Islands is the result of the manifestation of early Cenozoic volcanism, dividing into several stages and originating more than 50 million years ago. Partial participation in the formation of islands took tectonic processes of movement of lithospheric plates. For a long time it was believed that there were no manifestations of volcanism in this region, but already in 1987, in the northeastern direction of Fr. Bering, about 70 km away, the active underwater volcano Piipa was discovered. On the islands themselves, there is no manifestation of volcanism.
The discovery of the archipelago dates back to 1741, during the 10-year “Second Kamchatka Expedition”, led by Alexei Chirikov and Captain-Commander Vitus Jonassens Bering.

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