A new hypothesis of the origin of the solar system

A new hypothesis of the origin of the solar system
There are many hypotheses explaining the origin of the solar system. One of them was recently published in a scientific journal. Its authors, employees of the University of Chicago, suggest that the basis for the space field, which became our home, was the substance of a star of the Wolf-Rayet type.
Most hypotheses are based on the fact that the solar system was formed 4.6 billion years ago due to the gravitational collapse of the interstellar molecular cloud, the substance in which was sharply sealed by the explosion of a huge star. The new theory is based on the fact that for the system “formed” after the supernova explosion, there is unusually little iron-60 in our system, but a lot of aluminum-26. Such a “chemistry” could be explained by the matter of the Wolf-Rayet star.
The peculiarity of such stars is that they are very large (20-40 solar masses) and hot, and also quite old, and therefore drop their shell so that the substance literally escapes into space in the form of a stellar wind. As the mass of the Wolf-Rayet star becomes smaller, a circular nebula is formed, and the stellar wind “wraps around” it.
It was in such a nebula that our Sun could form, the authors of the scientific work believe.
“The shell of such a bubble is a good place for the birth of stars, because dust and gas are trapped where they can condense, “says Nicholas Daufas, the head of the scientific group. In addition, in this nebula there is a lot of aluminum-26, and iron, on the contrary, is small. According to calculations, “on the conscience” of such stars and their “daughter” nebulae from 1 to 16% of all younger stars, whose mass is comparable to the mass of the Sun.

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